7 - Just A Little Closer

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Chapter Seven

After we got back to the cemeteries, Gerard parked his car up in Cemetery Drive. He reached back to grab the six packs from the back seats. I couldn't help but blush when I watched. He had his ass sticking up in the air and a little bit of his stomach showed as he stretched. "Dude.." I laughed awkwardly. He sat back down when he got the six packs, smiling at me. "Checkin' me out, Addie? Hm?" he quetioned. I laughed a little and playfully punched his arm. "You wish" I said as I rolled my eyes and opened my car door. He chuckled and got out of the vehicle and so did I.

He locked the car doors and we headed up to sit at the mausoleum steps. The mausoleum was located in the far back, covered by a few trees. This cemetery was really shady. It still kinda scared me. I tried playing it cool since I was around Gerard. He acted like he was afraid of anything.

He carried the six packs on our way up. "Have you ever drank before? At parties or concerts or wherever?" He questioned with a small grin. I nodded and looked at the ground. "I have after a concert this past summer and at two of my friends' parties.." I admitted as I remembered those nights. "Ah, so you have before? Did your parents ever catch you?" I nodded "Well, one time and after my dad found out I got a lecture and I was grounded for a month" I laughed nervously. "I dont want him to catch me again.. who knows what kind of punishment I'll get this time" Gerard put a hand on my shoulder. "I won't get you in trouble, I promise" he grinned, looking into my eyes. I looked back into his, his eyes shining bright in the moonlight. He was so perfect.. I nodded slowly and finally smiled back.

We sat down on the mausoleum steps when we got there. Gerard reached for two beers, snapping off the caps easily. He handed me one. "Thanks, man" I grinned. He raised his bottle "Cheers for being alive" he preached and we clunked our glass bottles together before talking a sip.

"Hey.. Why aren't the 'bad' vampires around here and trying to fuck me up yet?" I questioned. They come out after dark to play, right? "Because you're with me, those cowards are afraid of me.. what? Are you scared, princess?" He smirked as he teased.

I didn't want him to think of me as a pussy. I wasn't really afraid to fight my own fights, but when you almost get your blood sucked out from a nutcase vamp, it makes you cautious about being around after sunset. "Of course I'm not scared, I've been in a few fights before, I was acting kind of oblivious during that moment" I started to chug down my beer a little, knowing that I covered up how I really felt, trying to look big and tough.

Gerard snorted. "Kind of oblivious?" He shook his head taking another sip. I looked up at the moon, watching the dark clouds move in the nighttime sky.

Gerard must have finally noticed my headphones because he asked "What were you listening to?" I looked down at my headphones, forgetting that I even had them around my neck still. "Oh uh I was listening to Slipknot" I mumbled and sipped some more, looking away. He smiled. "They're a good band, what song?". Did he really just say 'Good band?'. Not many people liked them. I mean, a lot did, but a lot didn't. Many said that it was just a bunch of screaming and ranting with no meaning. It bummed me out. But to hear him say those words.. My face lightened up. "Scissors" I grinned a little. It was one of their nastiest songs. The lyrics I mean. He nodded "My favorite is Snuff" he shared as he started on his second beer. I hardly noticed he drank the first one that quick. I nodded, agreeing that the song was great.

We continued to share stories and ask whatever questions we had in mind (and drink all of the beer..) After so many beers I started to feel dizzy and gross. I started to act a little funny too.. I totally forgot where I was. Gerard was kinda the same way, but he was acting more normal than I was and he spoke perfectly. A few of my words were slurred.

Gerard laughed at me, finding it amusing to watch me be stupid. "Geraaard" I whined as I threw an empty beer bottle at a nearby rock, making it smash into little pieces. I smirked as it smashed. "Whaat, Addie?" He couldn't help but smirk at me playfully. I shuddered.

"I'm cold..." I complained. "Oh you poor thing.." he said as he wrapped his arms around me now, chuckling."Ohh shut up, enough with the teasing you douche.." I snuggled into his chest.

"Hey, what did I say? Don't get snippy with me.. or I'll.. bite ya!" He leaned into my neck quickly and chomped down on his jaw, making chomping noises. I giggled and squirmed a little in his arms. He was being playful and cute.. I was pretty drunk and oblivious too, That's for sure.

He laughed awkwardly and shortly after a while, he stopped. I'm not sure why but he seemed uncomfortable for a moment. He was silent now and pulled me a little closer to him. He was a little warm and it was perfect because the air had a chill to it.

I was drunk out of my mind. It felt so wrong, to be honest. But it felt so right at the same time. I closed my eyes, babbling complete nonsense and feeling myself starting to slowly doze off into a silent slumber.

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