8 - Hangover

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Chapter Eight

I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. I rubbed my eyes and groaned as I felt my head pounding.

"Where..Am I?" I mumbled groggily as I looked around the room, sitting up in bed. I didn't recognize where I was at. The walls were a nice and dark shade of red. The furniture was wooden and the bed I was laying on was large. The blankets were made of silk and velvet. The blankets were black and red. I was sure as hell comfortable. I didn't really want to get up, but I forced myself to.

"You're in my bed, sugar~" I heard Gerard purr into my ear as he winked and laughed a bit. I looked to my right and found him lying down next to me, propping himself up on his elbows. I began to feel my face turn hot. "No no.. Did I..?" Gerard laughed. "You wish" he smiled sweetly. "You didn't do anything stupid, you just dosed off in the cemeteries.. Uh you were pretty drunk, it was kinda entertaining to watch you act like an idiot, but I wasn't gonna dump you off at your house after that, so I texted your dad, acting like you, saying that you were staying over a friend's for the night and that you'd be back after school tomorrow" He grinned. I stared at him for a while, my brain slowly processing what he had explained to me. I was relieved. As long as my dad believed him. "Oh..Okay..Thank you" I laid back down, rubbing my head. Gerard got up and out of bed. " Where are you..." I didn't even finish my sentence "Going to make myself a cup of coffee, I'll let you rest some more and regain your strength and such" He said as he flaunted out of the room. I could have sworn he got more adorable. He was acting like a douche before and now I see his soft and sassy side. I adored it. I buried my head in his pillows. They smelled just like him.. like coffee and spice. I wanted to sleep more but instead I fored myself up and out of bed this time. I was careful with each step as I half walked and half stumbled to the bathroom. This was my punishment. Embarrassing myself infront of him and having this stupid hangover. "Hey.. I'm gonna take a shower to get this alcohol scent off of me, so don't mind me" I shouted from upstairs. "Alright, be careful" he yelled back. I closed and locked the door behind me.

Gerard's P.O.V

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down at my small kitchen table. I hope Addie's hangover wares off soon. Last night was fun, but I felt pushy about forcing her into having a couple beers with me. I felt like an ass towards her so I think its best if I tone it down a notch..

I'm glad she doesnt remember much of last night. I started to hear and sense those pansies so I got her out as quick as possible. She was asleep, thankfully. She was kinda cute I admit.. Not like she isn't now, but.. She babbled in her sleep and snuggled up to me, I refused to leave her side. So I cuddled with her, dozing off myself.

What is this that I feel towards her? Like there's sparks between us? She makes me happy and she just.. what am I thinking. Im here to only protect her and answer her weird questions. I didn't know it'd end up like this. I feel like a dork.

I sipped my coffee as my thoughts went on and on for what seemed like hours. Soon enough I heard the water stop and I looked up at the clock that was on my wall. It was two o' clock already. An hour to spare before I must take her home.

I am growing too attatched to her..

I sighed and hid my face in my hands.

Adelaide's P.O.V

After getting out of the shower and having Gerard give me a change of his clothes to change into, he decided to drive me home since it was almost three. I didn't smell of alcohol and I was all cleaned up.

The car ride was surprisingly silent. It made me feel awkward and regret not saying much. When we reached my house, he stopped the car.

"Thank you, Gerard. I had a good time" I smiled at him but it quickly faded. He smiled slightly, leaning a little closer to me "So long and good luck, Addie". I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I blushed a little. He wants a kiss, fuckface! I panicked a little and opened the car door and hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut. When I reached my front porch I looked at him and gave him a small wave before he drove off. He had a shy look on his face, which was rare. I sorta miss him already. This couldn't be the way I truly feel..Right?

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