3 - Rude Awakening

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Chapter Three

About a week later, I gathered up the courage to go back to Cemetery Drive. Infact, I couldn't get my mind off of the damn place. Knowing curious little me, I had to go back there just to see if the same weird junk will happen again.

The days grew colder as time flew by. It was around sunset when I reached the cemetery. This time I sat underneath the large tree that was there. The trees leaves had changed colors and most of them have fallen off.

I sat there and watched the sunset, feeling my nerves calm down a little. I was still freaked out about the place, of course, anyone would be if they experienced what I had. It was really peaceful here around this time. I closed my eyes and I began to feel myself doze off.

When I woke up, it wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up. I jumped up. I woke up to a rough voice whispering into my ear "You have invaded our territory again, now you're gonna pay the price" before I knew it, I was spun around and slammed roughly down against the hard ground. It knocked the breath out of me and my eyes widened. I was fully awake now.

My back was facing him and I heard him hiss. He dug his nails into my shoulders and started to laugh maniacally, amused as I cried out in pain and struggled beneath his firm grasp. This is it. Some psycho fuck is going to kill me.

The guy had his foot pressed down on my back. I squirmed and finally reached behind my back, grabbing his ankle, staying in the same position as I threw him off balance. I sat up and scooted away from him, breathing heavily.

He laughed crazily as I got a good look at him. "You weak little human.. I'm almost for sorry for you" he smiled widely. He had fangs, dark crimson colored eyes and blood covered his face and hands. What. Vampires are real? Are you shitting me? This is what this thing really is? I continued to scoot back until I hit the stone wall that divided the cemetery from the woods. "Get the hell away from me!" I managed to spit out the words.

He only laughed more. "Don't ,worry, I'll make it as slow and painful as possible..." He grinned creepily and got ready to pounce onto me, showing off his pointy fangs. My knees were weak and my legs began to tremble. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing to feel his sharp fangs pierce into my skin.

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