19 - Where are you?

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Chapter Nineteen

Gerard's P.O.V

It's been almost five months since I had last spoken to Adelaide. And boy, Do I fucking regret it. It hurts to think of her. But I needed to pry myself away from her.

Over four months ago, I met up with her where the abandoned part of town began. There was no one to be spotted, so I took the opportunity to tell her. It was a dreary and rainy day. Yes, I remember everything from that day. Every little detail. And I regret the words I had let slide out of my dirty rotten mouth.

I sat on the edge of my bed, rubbing my puffy and bloodshut eyes. They were like that from crying. I cried so much, I don't think I could cry anymore. I felt numb and depressed. I blocked all light from my room, and locked myself in my house since that day. The memories came flooding back into my thoughts. It's all I could ever think about.. That day and her precious face.


She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Gerard.. I love you, I really do" she whispered softly into my ear. I smiled but it quickly faded.
She was waiting to hear those words. I love you too, Adelaide..
She raised an eyebrow at me and let her arms fall to her sides. I looked up at the sky, pretending like I didn't know what I had done wrong. Like I didn't know what I had planned..
"Gerard, Look at me, please.." her voice was barely a whisper. I swallowed hard and looked down into her eyes. "Hm?" Her bottom lip began to quiver. "Why won't you say the words? Don't you feel the same way?" She asked. She was hurt by the lack of love I had been giving her. I was giving her the cold shoulder.
I loved her with all my heart. But If I really loved her, I'd save her life. She wouldn't know that I saved her life from being killed from my psycho family, but I'd feel a lot better. Maybe. "No, I don't" I hissed.
She let tears slide down her cheeks. She glared at me as I stared into her icy blues. You're gonna regret it.. She slapped me right in the face and I grabbed her wrist and growled at her, getting all up in her face. It was instinct of mine to act like this Yeah, to act like a complete dick, good job, Gerard! Her eyes widened in fear and she winced, jerking her hand free from my grip.
She glared at me coldly. I remember the last words she said. "I don't know what has happened to you, Gerard, but you are bipolar or some shit. You didn't have to hurt me all this time and act like you cared about me like everyone else does.. Fuck you! I'm done trying!" She began to run home. I could tell she was holding back sobs. I felt a pit in my stomach. Half of me wanted to save her. Half of me said stay put, don't chase after her. You fucked up too much already. This was the end.

End of flashback.

I stood up and shouted, tossing my things around my room, smashing things off of walls and wrecking everything. This was my daily routine. Do not sleep. Cry. Remember. Regret. Throw a tantrum. Cry some more. I am pathetic.

I know sitting around and moping won't do me no good, but I was really in love with her. If you really were, why'd you just give up on her and hide the truth from her, you total asshole! I argued with myself. Throwing things around angrily.

I fell to my knees at the end of my fit and began to sob as I saw a picture I drew of her a couple months back. When I first saw her, I couldn't help but stay up all that night and think of her. Drawing helped.

I cried even harder. After my emotional breakdown, I wiped away my tears, reaching for a bottle of vodka I thought was still full. With my luck, it wasn't. "Fuck.." I sighed and leaned my head up against my wall I want her back. I need her back.
Adelaide's P.O.V

Things weren't exactly looking up yet at the same time, things werent looking so horrible either. I mean, I've been doing alright since the whole thing had happened between Gerard and I.

I admit, I missed him. I missed the Gerard who'd sit with me by the mausoleum door and get a little drunk and snuggle and..

I really miss that. I miss him. I really don't know why all of a sudden he just started pushing me away from him. It seemed as if he was hiding his real feelings. Like he was hiding something from me. I frowned.

Although, through out the months without, Gerard I became really close to Tom. He's a great guy and he has a sick sense of humor..

Since the weather got nicer, and it was spring now, He was going to start teaching me how to skateboard. I was kinda nervous but hey, its Tom. Sure he'll laugh and tease me if I mess up or fall on my ass. But he'll pick me back up and help me try again.

Whenever I was around him my pain was pushed aside. He knew a little bit about the whole Gerard thing since I told him about it. I was broken for a couple weeks. I was depressed and I refused to leave my house. My Dad was even starting to get worried when I didnt talk and eat much. Tom snapped me out of it real quick. Although I am still pained.. I hide it and put on a smile just for Tom.

I went outside, wearing my Stone Sour shirt, black leggings, jean shorts over the leggings, and my black converse. I wore sunglasses, since it was actually very sunny out. It was early May, so the weather was definitely getting nicer.

I saw Tom standing there, waiting for me already. He held two skateboard in his hands as he smiled widely at me. "You look great" I couldn't help but blush from him compliment. "Thank you"

Tom wore a black polo and baggy shorts. He chewed on his lip ring (it was a habit of his, and it was cute whenever he did this..) I smiled. "C'mon, Teach me how to skateboard!" I laughed and grabbed a skateboard out of his hand. He chuckled. "Okay, Okay, Calm down first" he said as we began to walk up.

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