6 - You Won't Get Caught Trust Me.

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How's it going? I hope you are enjoying this fic because I feel like this is just not as good as it can be xD Continue reading.

Chapter Six

I looked out of the window, my arms folded across my chest.

"So, What do mean by there are two types of vampires, Gerard?" I asked away, not wanting the ride to be awkward. He kept his eyes on the road as we drove smoothly.

He propped his elbow up on the arm of the seat, sitting back, driving with one hand. "Well, there are your typical blood-sucking vampires that kill people without a care, then there are the kind that are like me, that don't really get the.. satisfaction out of killing humans. Now I'm not saying that we don't kill humans at all, I've killed people a couple times before, but for good reasons.. I need blood to survive, you know" He explained and looked over at me quickly, then back at the road.

I nodded slowly. "Ah, I see.. Oh, I uh never got to tell you.. thanks for saving my ass the other night, I appreciate it" I kinda mumbled. He smirked a little, leaning in a little closer to me "Hm? Speak a little louder, dear" he glanced over at me, waiting for me to repeat myself. He didn't get the satisfaction of murdering my kind, but he sure did get the satisfaction out of teasing people. I rolled my eyes. "Oh you heard me, Jackass" I said. "Hey, now don't get too snippy with me, girl" he growled and chuckled to himself. I bit my tongue and instead of teasing him back, I asked another question. "Where are we going exactly?" We were in town now, but we were entering the ghost-town side. It's filled with vacant homes, some of them unfit for human use. Some were torn down. "Thought I'd drive you through where us 'good' vampires live, to get a brief look at it" he took his hands off the wheel to add quotation marks to the word good. I looked out of my window, my eyes wandering. "Are you always up Cemetery Drive?" I asked. He shrugged "Only when I have to be, its fun sometimes scaring those pansie asses up there too, I figured you'd end up back up there again after that night, I knew you wouldn't listen.. You should really try and stay away from us" he said.

"I'll try my best, sir" I replied and turned to look at him. "If you don't.. I'll bite your pretty little neck" he teased and showed off his razor sharp fangs. "Ohh, so scary! I'm trembling with fear." I said sarcastically and couldnt help but giggle. For once he smiled warmly at me. His smile was pretty cute, okay. I looked away quickly, not wanting him to see me blush, not even a little. He'll tease me big time, and I dont love him.

His smile faded and turned into a smirk. "Hey, wanna know what we can do?" He said. I looked over at him, raising a brow. "Huh?" He looked at the back seats of his car quickly. "Look" he said. I looked at the backseat and found two six packs of beer. My eyes widened slightly. "I'm underage, dude and Its a school night.. maybe I should just head home instea-" "So what? You look like you're old enough to drink, we won't get caught, trust me" he kept his devious smile on his pale face. I gnawed on my bottom lip."Do you expect me to sit on my ass and drink these all by myself? And why not celebrate for being alive, eh?" He grinned. I sighed. "Why the hell not I guess.." I agreed to it. There was no way I was gonna get out of it either, he seems pretty stubborn.

"Sweet" he smirked and made a U-turn when we reached a dead end. He started his way back up to the cemeteries while I tried thinking of ways to not make it obvious to my dad that I spent the night drinking with a dude. A vampire.

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