24 - Sleep

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Chapter twenty-four

Gerard's P.O.V

I looked down to the beautiful sight of Adelaide fast asleep in my arms. She was snuggled up against me, her face buried in my chest. I couldn't help but smile. I missed her so much.

I ran my fingers through her soft hair slowly and leaned my head back against the wall. I closed my eyes and hummed a soft tune to myself as I cherished this moment. Having her in my arms made me feel right at home.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard noises coming from downstairs. I stopped humming and looked out into her dimly lit hallways. The noises were not loud enough for Adelaide to hear or to wake her up. I decided to scope the place out.

I carefully shifted, pulling her out of my hold, not wanting to wake her up from her heavy slumber. I lightly placed a blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

I quickly and quietly moved downstairs, finding myself walking into her kitchen. So far, there was nothing suspicious to be seen or heard. Maybe it was just a false alarm. I could just be paranoid about my brother. Although, he could be lurking around.. He's pretty good at hiding.

I suddenly heard shifting coming from the front room. I slowly walked back into the front room, placing my hands behind my back. "Hmm.. where ever could Mikey be?" I said aloud sarcastically as I gripped his collar and pulled him up from behind the sofa. He was not visible, only because he head invisibility powers. It was something us vampires had, you know.

He whimpered at first then hissed right in my face. He slowly became visible. "N-now, now, Gerard, you wouldn't want to wake up your precious little human girl-friend now would you?" He stammered a little at first but then smiled slyly. I slammed him up against the wall, holding him by the collar with both hands now. He winced, glaring at me in a irritated way.

"You sneaky son of a bitch! Take your ass and get the fuck out!" I hissed through clenched teeth. My boiling anger only caused him to laugh. "I think I'll pass, but don't fret my dear brother, I have a little treat for the both of you lovebirds.." Mikey grinned madly. I wanted to rip him into shreds. I wanted to take him down right here. But no, this wasn't the right place or time to finish our business at.

Mikey then roughly yanked my hands off of him and kicked me in my side, sending me to go skidding across the room. I hit my head up against the wall, making me to stop skidding. Since when did he become all of a sudden stronger than me? Dizziness started to overcome me but I refused to let myself black out. Not yet at least.

I propped myself up on my elbows, wincing in pain as I rubbed the top on my head. Mikey walked closer to me and continued to kick me in the side a couple more times. I snarled and hissed, trying to bat away his foot, even trying to grab a hold of it so he could stop. But my attempts had failed.

Mikey crouched down next to me and chuckled darkly at the sight of me struggling in pain. He pulled out a medical needle from a small bag he had shoved in his back pocket.

The needle had some type of drug in it. My eyes widened slightly and I tried to shift away from him, but my back hit against the wall. I started to tremble in fear and hiss at him. I was cornered and helpless by this point. Mikey smiled that sick and twisted smile that made my stomach do flips before he cooed in my ear "Let yourself fall into the darkness, brother."

He then jabbed the large needle roughly in my vein making me snarl and screech in pain, slamming the back of my head up against the wall roughly. He laughed getting a kick out of this. Fucking sick bastard is all I could think. I felt the drug he had injected me with rush into my veins. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I began to no longer fight the pain. All I had saw was blackness before I became unconscious.

Hey guys cx Quick question, I know I shouldn't be asking because it'll kinda be spoiling the ending for you guys but should there be a typical happy ending or should it be a twisted and dark unhappy ending? Let me know in the comments I guess? Until next time! :D -Gxx

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