20 - Skateboarding

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Chapter Twenty

Adelaide's P.O.V

After walking up the street we put our skateboards down onto the ground. I looked up at Tom. He eagerly hopped on his board. "Okay, it's all about balance and skill" He said as he began to skate a little.

"But.. if you want to make a turn or whatever, you gotta lean a good bit of your weight on the side you want to turn, just don't put all of your weight on that side or you'll uh fall." He explained as he demonstrated it, turning left then right, left then right like it was nothing.

He made skateboarding look so easy. I watched and listened as he explained, nodding here and there. I stepped onto my skateboard and gave myself a little push as I began to feel confident enough to try this out on my own.

I decided to try turning. It wasn't a good idea to start out right to turning. I fell right on my ass and pouted. "Ow.. fucker" I grumbled as I tried to get up.

I heard Tom laugh and reach out his hand. I felt my face become hot, feeling embarrassed. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself back up. "Thanks.." I mumbled.

"It's not as easy as it looks, but you'll eventually get the hang of it." He gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't help but smile back. He was very polite and supportive to me. Around every one else, he just pulled on his fuck-you-I'm-a-rebel act. I didn't mind his punk and firebrand side. It was kind of attractive..

I snapped out my daze and turned my attention back to my skateboard that lay on the ground beside me. I grabbed it and went straight back to trying to turn and glide smoothly across the gravel. After about what seemed to be thirty failed attempts, I groaned and gave up, sitting on the sidewalk. I could have just screamed in frustration right then and there. But I decided that it was best if I kept my cool around time.

Tom skated over and plopped down right next to me. "This is stupid.." I sulked and buried my face in my hands. Tom hesitated slightly before he patted and rubbed my back as an attempt to cheer me up. "Come on, Addie, I'll help you, just try one more time, and I promise you afterwards I can take you to candy store." He suggested with a grin. My eyes lit up at the sound of his offer and I nodded. I

I sighed and nodded, getting back up on my two feet. I'll do it for the gummy worms and Coca-Cola. I stood in the middle of the street on my skateboard. Just as I was about to give myself a push, I felt Tom place his hands on my hips from behind me, causing me to instantly blush and squeak. He chuckled from behind.

"Here, I'll give you a little push" he purred into my ear, sending chills up my spine. He snickered at this and started to gently push me. I was starting to feel uneasy and nervous. I tried to steady myself on this damn skateboard and concentrate.

"Now, Im gonna let go in three, two, one.." He said softly as he let me go, sending me on my own. I took a deep breath and tilted to the right a little, making a turn. I reminded myself not to use all on my weight. I fucking did it! I didn't fall off this time!

A huge dorky grin was plastered onto my pale face after I hopped off of the skateboard. "I did it, Tom! I did it!" I shouted and ran towards him, leaving the board behind. I jumped up on him, causing him to stumble back a little, pulling him into a hug and we both laughed like two little kids.

"Shit, shit, shit, Car!" Tom warned as he held onto me tightly and sprung to his left as we both landed in a grassy and vacant lot. Luckily, we were both okay, the grass making our mighty fall not so rough.

I sat up and brushed some strands of my stringy and straight hair behind my ear. Tom sat up beside me. "You okay, Addie?" he asked sounding a little concerned and worried.

I nodded, flashing a toothy grin. "But I don't think our boards are.." I sighed, pointing to our now smashed up boards. The vehicle must have hit them hard. I totally forgot all about our skateboards, being more focused on not getting hit by the speeding car. Tom gasped and sprung up to his feet, his face looking like fifty shades of disappointment.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." He muttered all kinds of profanity to himself. I quickly stood up and pushed my finger to his lips. "Shush, Tom, It's okay, I'll buy you a new one sometime this week, okay? It'll be fine." I tried to speak softly so he wouldn't lose his shit. This seemed to have calmed Tom down just a little.

He nodded slowly and stared into my eyes. I stared back into his chocolatey brown ones. Our lips were only centimeters apart. "Adelaide.." I heard him whisper my name. At least I thought it was him.. "Hm?" I asked. "I-I didn't say anything.." He stammerd, looking a little confused. What? I could have sworn...

"But didn't you just say my name? I swear it was you.." I asked, hoping I didn't sound crazy. He shook his head slowly, furrowing his brows together in confusion. I don't think he was fucking with me. He would have admitted by now, smirking at me and laughing in my face. Not this time. He was being serious.

I must have been hearing things. Then it had hit me. I recalled the voice that had spoken my name. It was Gerard's voice. It echoed in my head, the way he spoke my name with venom in it.

His words were beginning to haunt me. I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut tight, trying to forget about it. It's okay... It's okay, He doesn't even care about you anyway.. I tried to calm myself down, inhaling deeply. I didn't like being reminded of him.

"Tom, I uh, I think I'm going to go home now, Im pretty exhausted.. Thanks for everything" I said, looking down. "Uh sure, talk to you later?" He said awkwardly, shifting away from me. I nodded and began to walk away. Here comes that aching feeling, tugging at my heart.

I got a mcr shirt and a fall out boy one too from hot topic today omg. That is all. -Gxx

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