16 - Spit It Out

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Chapter Sixteen

Adelaide's P.O.V

After school, I found myself to be home alone. I walked into the kitchen and saw the note my dad had left me. "Went to your Gram's.. be back later, Love you" was what the note read. I sighed.

I enjoyed being home alone, believe me, I loved it. I just don't like being alone for a long time. I can't stand it and I start to break and overthink. I pulled out my phone to order a pizza, since my dad had left me money to fend for myself tonight.

After ordering the pizza, I went straight upstairs to my room to quickly change out of my tight and ugly school uniform. I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my clothes, standing only in my undergarments.

I searched in my drawers for something to wear while humming the tune to Spit it out by Slipknot. I turned around, almost skipping to my closet to look around in there. I almost had a heart attack, yelping as I saw Gerard leaning against the doorway, snickering.

I turned bright red and froze. I quickly grabbed a pillow from my bed and angrily threw it at him (only because I was embarrassed). He flinched a bit but caught the pillow before it could hit him.

"Enjoying the view, y-you pervert?" I stammered as I tried to cover my body with another pillow I took from my bed. He chuckled softly and.. kinda seductively.

"Actually yes" He winked and I rolled my eyes. My face still red as an apple, I managed to ask "How the hell did you get in here? I didn't even hear you-" "I let myself in since you left your door unlocked, I have my ways, sweetheart" He interrupted me. There he goes again with the pet names.

"Can you please give me some privacy just for a minute? I would like to get changed without you watching me.." I mumbled the last part. I was still hugging the pillow tightly, hiding my body the best I can from him. I was too shy and sensitive about the way I looked.

He rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah.. If only I could stay to finish watching the show" He snickered. I bit my lip and he turned around, looking away.

I sighed and quickly grabbed long plaid pajama bottoms and a black tank top, putting them on. I could have swore I saw him peak at me a few times from the corner of my eye.That was embarrassing. I just wanted to smack my head off of something really hard.

Later on, I got my pizza (Enjoying every bite) and lectured Gerard about sneaking in and watching me get undressed. He only rolled his eyes and of course, teased me. He agreed not to sneak up like that again, but I still don't fully believe that he won't do it again.

I offered Gerard pizza but every time I offered, he declined. How the hell can you say no to pizza?! Even if your a blood-sucking creature, I mean, Come on! I eventually gave up.

After I ate, we sat down on the sofa in my living room. I rested my head on his shoulder and he pulled me into his lap. I was facing him and I looked deeply into his eyes. They were a hypnotic hazel with a tint of bright red to them, now that I got a closer look. His eyes matched his crazy red hair. His hair looked really soft and I just wanted to pet him (as weird as it sounds).

His skin was oh-so-pale, not a single flaw on it. I placed my hand on his cheek, lightly rubbing my thumb across his jawline. He chuckled at this and leaned his forehead against mine.

As I studied his features closely he was studying mine. We were up close and took the time to admire each others features. His lips slowly formed a small smile as he examined me.

He examined my dirty blonde hair that went past my shoulders, my ocean blue eyes, pink lips and freckles on my cheeks. His smile seemed to grow wider the longer he studied me.

He cleared his throat and looked down at his lap after a while, his smile gone. I blushed a little, noticing I must have been looking at him for a little too long. "What's the matter?" I asked. I was a tad curious why he looked away, looking a little nervous.

He looked back up at me, placing his hands on my waist. He opened his mouth to talk but quickly shut it. He smiled faintly "Nothing". I sensed that he had something to say but was hiding it instead.

I bit my lip hard beforing saying "Spit it out, Gee". I looked at him seriously and he looked away again. He didn't make eye contact with me. "Adelaide, if I had something to tell you.. I would have said it by now, don't force me to tell you everything I think of" he growled a bit. I was shocked at the sass I was given.

I backed away from him and stood up, getting out of his lap. I glanced out of the window, noticing it was already quite dark, then back at Gerard. He was looking at me in a sorrowful and distasteful way. I felt a little offend by this. What has gotten into him? There was a long and awkward silence between us.

"I think you need to go home, Gerard, I have school tomorrow and my dad will be coming home soon" I made up an excuse. I wasn't lying to him either, I just didn't want to deal with whatever mood he was in.

He stood up, looking frustrated and angry. "I'll leave you be then, princess" He mumbled, forcing venom in the word princess as I

he walked to my front door, slamming it shut on the way out. I folded my arms across my chest and watched him leave. I bit my tongue, holding back the many harsh things I could have said. He was acting very Immature. And he was hiding something from me, I could just sense it.

Drama bomb! o: Until next time :3 -Gxx

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