11 - Surrender the Night

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Chapter Eleven

When we got there I cleared my throat and awkwardly moved my hand away from his. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets. "They were just here.. Maybe they actually realized that they were gonna-" Kick! One of them snuck up behind us and kicked Gerard right in the jaw. Gerard flew down on his knees, looking down at the ground as he snapped his jaw back in place, grunting a little. I wanted to ask him if he was alright but I turned my attention to the attacker. The attacker snarled and let out a small laugh. I felt anger boil up inside of me.

I grabbed him by the shoulder and threw my fist at his face, punching him right in the nose.

Blood started to gush from it as he stumbled back a few steps and growled. That felt pretty great!

"Bet you didn't expect that, you bastard" I snickered at the dirty blonde vampire. "Shut up, smartass, we're only gonna rip you two to shreds anyway, You'll see.." he snapped. I rolled my eyes at him but soon looked around, noticing a large crowd of vampires surrounding us. I hit my back off of Gerard's back, as we took steps backwards. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I felt all of the eyes of the blood-thirsty vampires on us. "W-What do we do, Gerard?" I whispered to him, trying not to panic.

"Save yourself, and I'll hold them back.. let's kick some ass" Gerard replied as the vampires all threw themselves at us, ready to attack. I started to use what I got, letting out my anger that built up over the years. I threw punches here and there and grabbed a couple by their ankles and threw them to the ground as rough as I could. I twisted one's arm, causing it to break and made three of them whimper and yelp in pain.

I wasn't the best fighter, but I guess watching wrestling with my dad when I was 10 helped too, knowing a couple moves to do.

I wasn't perfect either. I got socked in the mouth a couple times and some through me off balance. It wasn't a surprise to see most of them try to get to my neck right away. "Blood thirsty little shits.." I muttered. I was surprised that I was staying focused.

Every now and then I'd look over to check on Gerard. We even made eye contact a few times. He'd just smirk at me or fake a smile. Man, was he good and did he kick ass. He was the only distraction to me. He was taking them down like nothing, one even fleed from him. Afraid to get their ass handed to them I guess.

Just as I thought we pretty much finished up that last of them, a vampire pounced right on top of me, slamming my head off of the ground. He punched me a couple times to throw me off guard. I started to get a headache and my ears started to ring. I hesitantly opened my eyes, looking at the vampire. It was the same one that tried killing me the first time I was here in a while, but he failed his attempt to.

He had dark brown hair and glowing red eyes. He had a five o' clock shadow and dude, was he buff. I squirmed and grunted. "Ngh, Get off of off me you prick!" I yelped and kicked. He laughed darkly. "You don't scare me, bitch" he snarled. I spat right in his face when he spoke and he loosened his grip on me just enough for me to wiggle up a little more.

He looked as if he was ready to go ape shit. "You filthy whore!" He screeched and turned my head to the right quickly. I felt his hot breath against my neck and his fangs touch my skin. This was it. I'm going to die like this. Miserable.

Just as I swore I was gonna get my neck ripped off, Gerard flung him off of me and threw himself at him, throwing punches and gouging out his neck. I'm not kidding, he was biting down on his neck and spitting out chunks of skin and shit.

I watched in horror as I breathed heavily, stumbling back up on my two feet. The vampire was screaming in pain as Gerard continued to do this. Blood dripped from Gerard's lips and his shakey hands were covered in it too. He continued to spit out chunks of his neck until he stopped screaming and no longer struggled to escape. Gerard had killed him.

Gerard coughed and spit onto the ground. He slowly got off of the now dead enemy. He was breathing heavily again, his chest moving up and down with each breath. He looked up at me, an apologetic look in his eyes. He stumbled over to me and slowly wrapped his arms around me. He was still covered in blood and he no longer smelled of coffee and spice. His new scent made me grimace. We both collapsed to the ground on our knees as he held me close to him. "I.. I promised you, Adelaide.." he spoke calmly into my ear. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to speak. I wasn't even sure how to really feel right now. Hugging in the middle of an old cemetery with dead vampires laying around us as Gerard and I were covered in blood.. how romantic, right?

"I want to show you something.." he whispered and pulled away from the hug, looking into my eyes and taking me by the hand. I nodded and stood up back up. We walked to the back of the cemetery. It was dead quiet. Not hearing anything else but the sound of our breathing.

Gerard slowed to a stop infront a small tombstone the was almost buried into the ground from being there through out the years. I looked down, shocked at what I had seen. 'Gerard Way 1907 - 1928"

"So you're a fucking vampire ghost?" I raised a brow, feeling a little unamused and confused. I was kinda too exhausted to care. Gerard shook his head and laughed lightly. "Well, no, not exactly" I looked over at him, raising a brow.

"I faked my death ever since the day I had got bitten and turned into a vampire. I didn't want my loved ones to know me like this, I would have ended up killing them at my young age or they just simply would not have believed me" he spoke softly. His face showed no expression, but I can see the sorrow in his eyes. I nodded, showing him that I understood. I gently wrapped my arms around him and hugged him again, feeling his breathing calm down. He was sweating and the blood had stained his clothing. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close against him as we stood there, the moonlight shining down on us.

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