21 - Look at all That Pain

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Chapter Twenty-one

Adelaide's P.O.V

I slammed the door shut when I finally returned home, sitting on the floor and leaning against it. Oh, did I mention? My dad and my step-mom went to Las Vegas for a week. They never plan any vacations with me. They just go ahead and leave me here. I never have a say in anything. Then again, I guess I'd rather be here all alone then go on some shitting and expensive family trip.

I'm surprised they trusted me enough and didn't hire a babysitter. I'm turning eighteen in less than a month. That would be bullshit.

I let the tears slide down my cheeks. I started to sob and shout out nonsense into my empty home. My heart ached. It felt like someone was constantly yanking on it, trying to rip it out of my chest.

I wiped away a few stray tears and managed to stand up on my own two feet. I gripped and leaned onto the railing to my staircase for support. I dragged my feet as I walked up to my bedroom. I'd rather sulk in there.

I kicked off my damaged converse and fell face down on my bed. I burried my face in my pillow and continued to cry. I was frustrated. I wish Gerard told me what was really going through his mind. If he really felt the same way.

I admit, I miss him. I really fucking miss him. I liked the way he was when I first met him. That's why Tom reminds me of Gerard so much. Tom has that reckless and mean attitude. But he can be real sweet and sometimes a tease. It's kinda how Gerard was.

I want him back. I really do. What if he never had feelings for me in the first place? What if he was only there to protect me just for that? Had he never felt anything? Perhaps I fell hard and way too fast. I'm so unbelievable at times, I guess I was twisting this into that terrible vampire love story, Twilight. I shuddered at the thought of the story.

I never meant to fall in love with him. How can you not? He's irresistible. Everything about him.. His flaws were fucking beautiful. The way his messy red hair fell in front of his smooth, pale face. The way his Hazel eyes turned a dark red when he was angry or just really hungry. I liked him a lot more than I thought I did. But he didn't feel the same way. Why can't I just accept that? It was getting bad enough that I am starting to hear his voice in my head.

They began to creep up on me, His last words repeated in my head, along with harsh words that were said. I sat up in bed, shoving my fingers in my ears, trying to block out the voices. It didn't help. They turned from whispers to screams.

"Stop.. Just- fucking stop! Shut up!" I shrieked in terror as I started to shake and sob. The voices wouldn't stop, they only grew louder and louder.

I then felt arms wrap around me tightly. I was pulled into someone's lap. I continued to cry and scream. Maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe this is all just a big dream.

They began to stroke my hair and whisper things like "Shhh" "It's okay" "I know, I know" I sniffled. The voices and my sobs began to die down. I soaked their hoodie with my tears from crying so much.

I looked up at the person. I gasped and jumped in their arms. I shifted uncomfortably in his arms. "G-Gerard?.." I managed to whisper.

o: Bum bum buuum! Sorry for the short chapter, but until next time! -Gxx

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