4 - Thanks for Saving Me Blood-Sucker

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Chapter Four

Just as I thought I was going to get my blood drained out of me from a fucking twisted vampire, I heard him hiss and a loud thump of a body hitting the ground. I slowly opened my eyes. I was a little surprised at what I was seeing.

He was on the ground wincing in pain. "Dammit!" He cussed out and got back up on his feet. My eyes wandered and found another dark figure standing infront of him. I had to look close to recognize the face somewhat. It was the same guy that was behind me the other night. He growled and grabbed a fist full of the vampire's dark brown hair, hissing right in his face "Scram" he simply huffed through clenched teeth. He punched him square in the jaw, almost dislocating it.

The vampire only managed to laugh at the man. Christ, his laugh sent chills to my spine and boy, was it fucking irritating to hear. He spat out blood right onto the man's face. "..You win this time.. but she has no idea what will be coming to her.." he continued to laugh and the man threw him roughly to the ground without a care. He watched his every move as the vampire quickly disappeared into the darkness.

I stumbled back up on my own two feet. Did this dude really just defend me? Man, I feel like a hopeless loser. I mentally facepalmed knowing I could usually stand a fight at times. I've been through a lot of them since middle school..

He looked directly at me as he breathed heavily, trying to calm down. I watched his chest move up and down as he huffed. His hands were balled up into fists. I got a better look at him now, nd he was definitely no human being either.

Crimson red eyes, pale face, bright red hair, and most of all, his razor sharp white teeth. I tried not to stare as I studied his features closely. He was a vampire too. But why was he defending me if he was just like the other guy? Or er vampire? Whatever.

He wore nothing but black. His hoodie was black and he wore black jeans that weren't all that baggy. "You shouldn't be wandering around here after sunset, from now on stay out of here after sunset or just stay out of here for good 'cause I don't want to keep saving your sorry ass.." he snapped as he wiped the blood off of his face with the back of his hand. "My sorry ass? I'm sorry, I don't recall screaming for help like a little bitch" I said harshly. I glared at him and folded my arms across my chest.

He laughed sourly. "Listen here, princess.. I have to save your ass from getting killed by those freaks, I have a choice, I mean, I could be just like them, I could have drained all of your blood from your little body, but I choose not too, so I wouldn't get too cocky with me" He spat the words out with venom. Man, was he cocky and mean. It was slightly.. attractive. I mean, not quite. He's a vampire for shits sake.

I didn't want to be immature and roll my eyes at him and keep picking a fight. I gnawed on my bottom lip. "So, you were the same man that saved me the other night? Are there two different types of vampires or are there more? What's your name?..." I blurted out all of the questions that filled my head. He laughed lightly and shook his head, looking down at the ground now.

"I would love to stay and chat, sweetie, but It's getting passed your bedtime, isn't it?" He raised a brow and turned his back on me, starting to slowly walk away.

Ridiculous. Sweetie? Really? I'm eighteen and I'm just about finished with school. You don't do much really during Senior year but screw around.

I didn't really want him to leave just yet. My questions will be left unanswered and it would drive me insane. I'd probably never see him again. "It's not.. but I should be on my way home" I mumbled and started to walk towards the exit. He looked at me from over his shoulder. "Then leave" he said.

I didn't understand why he was acting so harsh towards me. I know I'm a human and he's a vampire- big difference so what? Is he really that miserable saving peoples lives? Why can't he feel proud and not pissed?

"Will I see you again?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper as I grew a little sheepish. I wanted to see him again so he could answer my questions. I mean, its chill if he wants me to leave him alone forever too, you know.

He turned to face me and took a small step towards me. He spoke in a smooth and clam tone. "You might" his lips formed a slight smirk.

"the name's Gerard" he added. I nodded. "Addie.. It was a pleasure meeting you" I started to walk away from him. I felt his cold stare on me as I left Cemetery Drive that night. There was no way I was gonna keep a promise to stay out of that cemetery.

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