13 - Don't Accuse Me

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Chapter Thirteen

After I finished washing up, I got changed into shorts again and stayed in the same baggy band shirt and crawled into bed.

I grabbed my pillow and snuggled it. I closed my eyes, repeating the day in my head. Too much had happened in just one day. I know its cheesy, be I wished for Gerard to be here so I could talk to him a little longer and fall asleep in his arms. I hoped to see him soon. But not too soon.

I didn't even wait and stay up until my dad came back. I let myself fall asleep.

* * *

(Two weeks later...)

I opened my eyes and looked over at my clock to see what time it was. "Shit.." I mumbled groggily. It was going on noon. I really overslept, I must have been that tired. I stretched and reached over to grab my phone from my dresser.

I had missed a call from Gerard and it was around two in the morning when he called. What did he want at two in the morning? He left no voicemail and doesnt seem to bother with texting. I pushed the thought aside and laid back in bed.

We haven't spoke in over a week, ever since the night we kissed. I wasn't sure if he was still asleep, 'cause him being a vampire and all, he could have just went to bed. I decided to call him back, and see what he was up to.

Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring 'I'm sorry, the person you have called has a voicemail box that is not set up-' click! No answer. No voicemail box for me to leave a message. I placed my phone back on the dresser and grabbed my remote, turning on my tv. Time to spend my Saturday being lazy..

The hours went by as I hid up in my room and sat in front of my tv, stuffing my face. I wasted the day away doing this. I enjoying it but I knew I was gonna kinda regret it eventually, thinking I should haw done something productive.

Before I knew it, it was already dusk outside. I complete fine with that, the sunlight peaking through my curtains bothered me anyway. I yelled at the tv every now and then, making fun of their terrible acting or whatever shitty commercial came on.

"Oh come on, their acting is obviously fake!" I complained and turned off my tv. Enough television for me for one day. I would end up smashing my remote through the tv pretty soon if I didn't stop. I pulled my covers over my head and sighed.

With my luck, my phone started ringing. I reached over and answered it without looking at the contact. "Err, hey" I greeted.

"Hey Addie" Gerard spoke softly.

My mood kinda lightened up at the sound of his voice. "Hey, why'd you call real late last night?" I asked right away. Yeah, might at well throw 20 more questions at him too, you weirdo I thought to myself, biting my lip.

"Uh, its nothing now, don't worry about it"

"Oh, um alright.." I said quietly.

"So, I was gonna ask if you'd like to hang out in a little bit? If that's cool with you?" He asked awkwardly and shyly. I thought it was cute when he acted all shy and stuff.

"Yeah, sure, meet me down my street at quarter to eight?" I asked making sure if that was alright with him.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be there" he chuckled.

We hung up at the same time, ending the conversation. I got up and out of bed to get ready. I was a little excited, I admit.

When I got downstairs, literally as I was just about to leave, my dad stopped me. "Adelaide, why are you going out so much? You can't be gone for so long just walking in the cemeteries" He confronted me. I turned around to face him. Shit, he's on to me now. I couldn't tell him the real reason why, he'd think I'm psychotic.

"Maybe I just want to get some fresh air, and yes you can, if you're as curious as me, besides, I'm eighteen now, since when do you care.." I muttered and opened the front door, wanting out.

"Adelaide, you better not be doing drugs or any shit like that, you're worrying me. You're not talking much and I hardly see your face anymore" he said.

I started to feel anger boil up insise me. Since when did he all of a sudden give a shut? My stomach was in knots. "Oh, so you're accusing me of doing terrible things? Of course Im not doing that kind of stuff, Dad! You know that I wouldn't.. I'll be back, okay, I don't want to put up with your lectures, you're only wasting your breath.." I said harshly but as calm as I can and walked out, not letting him finish another sentence.

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