25 - Can You Stake My Heart? Part one

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Chapter twenty-five

Adelaide's P.O.V

"Come out, come out, wherever you are.." The vampire boy said in a sing-song tone as he lurked the church. He was getting closer to the supply closet I was hiding in. I was holding my breath and covering my mouth, trying my best not to make the slightest sound.

"Oh, you're gonna get it bitch, when I find you-" he snarled as he swung the closet door open. I was huddled in the corner with junk on top of me so it would seem less obvious. I guess..

A large and evil grin spread across his pink lips. I guess this wasn't the best hiding spot. Obviously. Or perhaps it was, afterall we were in a shitty church that didn't have many decent hiding spots.

I felt him grab my wrist tightly and drag me out of the closet. Not literally, I'm kind of exaggerating here. I was pulled up to my feet faster than you could say 'boo'. I stumbled to my feet as he gripped onto my wrist even tighter.

"A-ah!" I cried out in pain. I was almost positive that he was going to break my wrist for how tight he was holding it. But there was a possible chance that he was just going to bruise it and cut off circulation for a short period of time. He smirked and shook his head from side to side slowly. "Bad.. bad, human girl.. thinking you could get away with punching me and attempting to hide from me? I don't think so.." He dragged me along (exaggerating again) into the direction of a different room this time. I tried so hard to yank my hand away from his firm grasp, but it just wouldn't work.

He snickered at me as I struggled for freedom. What's the use? There was no way I was getting out of this. I wondered where Gerard was at this moment. Was it his plan to get me to trust him again so he could throw me to his pack of blood-sucking parasites? If that's so, And if I don't make it out, I'm going to haunt the shit out of him in the afterlife.

The room was wooden with chipped white paint that coated the walls. The room had an awful and funky scent to it. Like something was rotting in here. The vampire boy shoved me down on a white chair. "Now stay put, girl" he demanded and pulled out two pairs of cuffs. He started to cuff me to the chair. I didn't bother to fight back, knowing I would lose against him.

He stood up, hovering over me after cuffing me to the old chair. He trailed a boney finger across my lips slowly. I grew pale. "I can see why Gerard fell hard for a gorgeous little human like you, It's ashame what I'm about to do to you.. but you deserve every bit of pain that's coming to you" he sneered as he put a finger underneath my chin, making me look up to face him. I shot him a dirty look. Was this his brother he was talking about? I mean, he did look just a little more similar to Gerard..

"Look pal, I don't want any piece of you, so would you hurry it up and get this over with?" I spat out the words, feeling tears trickle down my cheeks. I left them fall. I didn't care how awful I looked. I just didn't care about anything anymore.

Gerard's brother (I think?) backed up a little, giving me an icy cold stare. He slapped me hard, right in the face. It stung and I winced in pain. "Fine" he agreed as he began to take a few steps back.

"Frank! Raymond!" He called out as he snapped his fingers. Out of nowhere, appeared two more vampire men. The one with short black hair and hazel eyes appeared to be 'Frank', leaving the tall one with a large bushy afro to be 'Raymond'.

I looked at them while they stood there like two statues. "Hold her down" Gerard's brother ordered "Yes, Mikey" was what they responded with and they did as told. So this bastard's name was Mikey, eh? Before I knew it, I was not only cuffed to the chair by my wrists and ankles, but now being held down in the chair by two strange men (vampires).

I swallowed the lump in my throat and I began to feel very uneasy and anxious. "W-what's going on?" I whispered to the two men holding me down, desperate for an answer as I looked up at them with a pleading expression on my face. They ignored my question, acting as if I wasn't there.

My attention went from Frank and Ray to Mikey when Mikey started to chant unrecognizable words. I could hardly make out what he was saying. It sounded like the demonic mutters I heard that.. that time I was in Cemetery Drive.

That night when I was running home after hearing weird shit in the shed, silly me thinking that it was an animal. But animals don't whisper ancient demonic chants. Of course, that was right before I met Gerard and discovered vampires. Then my mind wandered. Gerard.

I felt the pain in my chest when I thought about him. I wanted to know where he was, what had happened to him, and what was going on. My pained thoughts were interrupted when Mikey's muttering turned into shouting. It was like he was speaking some type of language I could not understand. He kept his eyes locked on mine, and I couldn't dare to look away.

His eyes grew a bright shade of red and he kept chanting demonic things until he was blue in the face. I started to feel a gravitational pull towards him. My chair began to rattle violently and I began to shierk in both pain and terror. It felt as if my whole body was on fire and as if I was being torn to shreds but I couldn't die.

Pictures of flames and demons filled my head. I was now hallucinating, seeing things like demons and flames all around me. I felt Frank and Ray trying to hold me down on the ground but they all of a sudden went flying back up against the wall. Did I do this to them? What was happening to me?

Everything was happening around me so quickly, I couldn't keep up with it. I feel like I'm losing all control of my body.. I tried fighting this, this demon that was trying to possess me. But I lost the war.

Aaand end of chapter c: We are coming towards the end! hope you enjoyed it. Until next time :3 -Gxx

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