14 - Please Make this Last Forever

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Chapter Fourteen

I stormed outside, walking faster than usual. I spilled out how I really felt and I said it in a pretty harsh way. I felt good in a way but I was still irritated. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and bumped into Gerard.

"Oof!" I blushed, realizing who I had bumped into. He wrapped an arm around me, making sure I wouldn't lose balance and fall backwards. "Hey, watch where your going, princess" he growled, trying to sound scary. I grinned but it faded away.

He smiled a little but frowned. He must have sensed that there was something wrong with me. I hated explaining how I felt to others and I hated complaining to others. It made me feel awkward and annoying. "Addie, what's wrong? You don't seem too happy" he asked.

I sighed "Don't worry about it, just got in a little arguement with my dad.." I started walking ahead of him as I shoved my hands into my coat pockets. "Well, If you want we could talk about it when we get there." I looked up at him. "Where?" I questioned as I cocked an eyebrow.

He smirked slightly and stopped walking, pointing to his car that was parked in front of us. "To the cemeteries, now get in" he nudged my side with his elbow and opened his car door.

I smiled a little and walked over to the passenger side, opening the car door and getting in. I didn't bother to put a seatbelt on since the cemeteries weren't far from here. "Well aren't you a little rebel, wearing no seat belt and all?" Gerard snickered and started the car.

"Oh hush, its no big deal" I folded my arms across my chest as we drove off. He chuckled as we drove smoothly through town. For the rest of the ride, we drove in silence. When we got out of the car, Gerard started walking to the vacant shed I'd sit on. I followed behind him.

He was of course was the first to climb the shed. Although, having his ass in my face wasnt a very pleasant sight, he had a pretty nice ass for a dude. I looked away quickly. Why am I staring at his ass?

It was now my turn to climb the shed. "Careful" he cautioned me as I climbed up. He held out his hand, offering to help me up. I shook my head "I'm fine, I'm a big girl, Gerard" I laughed awkwardly.

"Okay" he said shyly and pulled his hand back. I sat down beside him at the edge of the shed. I saw him pull out something from his coat pockets from the corner of my eye. He nudged my arm and I looked at what he had. He offered me a beer.

"Oh.. well, we know what happened last time, I got a little weird" I felt my face become a little hot. He chuckled. "C'mon, just having one won't kill you" he said. I sighed and accepted, taking the beer from his hands and opening it.

He pulled out another one for himself from his other pocket and opened it. He took a long sip and stared up at the stars.

I stared out in the distance, after I took a sip of my beer, watching a car pass by. You could see a lot of things from sitting up here. "So.." Gerard said, interrupting my thoughts. "Would you like to talk about what is bothering you?" He asked.

I hesitated before giving an answer and sighed. "Oh, why the hell not.." He was only going to continue to pester me into telling him anyway. It must have bothered him, seeing me moody and not so talkative.

"My dad just all of a sudden is worrying about me and he's accusing me of doing stuff like drugs and all, when really I'm not. It kinda hurts that he thinks I'm lying to him, which I am but only for a good reason.. I'm eighteen and now he decides to worry about me.. I said some harsh things to him and then I left" I took a deep breath after talking. I felt like I spoke too much.

Gerard nodded slowly, understanding what I said. "It's okay to be angry. He's always going to worry about you, Addie, no matter what age you are, and well, you should at least tell him that you're hanging out with me, you don't have to tell him I'm a blood-sucking freak.. and when you go home tonight, make sure to apologize and talk things out with him, okay?" He said. I was shocked. He gave great advice and he actually listened. Everytime I rant to someone they usually don't care or listen.

I smiled a little. "I will, thank you, Gerard" I said before taking a sip of my beer. He grinned. "Glad I can help" he leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek. I chuckled and I looked at Gerard. He was smirking at me. "What?" I questioned.

He set down his beer beside him and grabbed me, pulling me close as he leaned in to my neck. I felt his hot breath against my neck, giving me the chills. My heart began to race as I was not sure exactly what he was planning on doing. He started to nibble on my neck and I squeaked, laughing a little. Squirming in his arms, he started to laugh against my neck. He pulled away and looked at me with a toothy grin, his fangs showing. "Your laugh is adorable" he smiled, keeping his hands on my sides.

I blushed. "Oh shut up, Gerard.. " I punched his arm playfully. He stuck out his tongue at me and chuckled. He leaned in and kissed me quick, wrapping his arms around me. He nuzzled his cheek against mine, making me giggle. We sat there and looked up at the stars, listening to the quiet sounds of the night. This so far was a perfect night. I dont want this moment to end.

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