12 - Fell in Love with a Vampire

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Chapter Twelve

I looked up at Gerard, his dark red eyes glowing in the night. I looked deeply into his eyes and he looked back into mine. "I should probably get back home.. My dad will be home soon and he'll think I ran off or something" I sighed as I let my arms fall to my sides.

Gerard nodded and shoved his hands into his back pockets as he looked down at the ground. "I could walk you home, I mean if that's alright with you.. just to be safe" he said shyly. His shyness was cute. "Sure" I nodded a little and grinned. "But, one question.. what are we gonna do with all of these.." I trailed off pointing out to the couple lifeless vampires scattered out around us.

"Don't worry about them, their bodies will disintegrate when the sun rises.. no one will know" he said with a slight smile. He looked completely drained. I nodded "Okay, good" I started to walk into the direction of where my house was.

We had to step over a few bodies here and there before we reached the woods. The walk back to my house was awkward. Not many words were spoken between the two of us. I gnawed on the inside of my lip, sensing how awkward it was.

We reached my back porch and before I went inside I made sure to say my goodbyes. "I'll see you around, Gerard, thank you for saving me.. again. I admit, I'm really not all that tough as you are" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck, looking away. Gerard smirked a little and I rolled my eyes at him. "I was waiting for you to say those words" he snickered. "Yeah yeah.." I mumbled. We stood there in silence for what seemed longer than just two minutes. I felt his eyes examining me.

Just as I was about to turn around and go inside, Gerard grabbed me by the shoulder. He spun me around and I was facing him, up close to his face. He looked at my face that had cuts here and there. He studied them and clenched his jaw. I felt my heart begin to race. I noticed every little feature. I had a sudden urge to run my fingers through his bright red hair. "I love you, Adelaide" he whispered a little shakily (which was strange) and leaned in, his lips touching mine. He kissed me.. and I kissed him back. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a jolt of electricity went up my spine. I slowly moved my hands up, wrapping my arms around his neck as he lowered his hands to my waist as we shared a passionate kiss.

His lips tasted of blood and a hint of coffee. I savored the taste. He pulled away slowly, breaking the kiss. I started to blush and I wiped the blood off of my mouth. He winked at me and giggled, looking at me with a toothy-smile. He can be a total jackass and he can also be a shy little shit when he wants to.

"And I've been waiting for you to say those words.." I said exchanging a smile. I turned around, and opened my back screen door. "Goodnight, Addie" I heard him say before I walked in. "Goodnight, Gerard".

I let myself inside and made my way upstairs. I was almost positive my Dad wasn't home yet. Good. I went straight up to the bathroom to wash off the blood. I took off my now bloodstained clothes and kicked them aside. When I looked in the mirror I noticed how many cuts I have received tonight. When I acknowledged them, they actually started to sting. A few were pretty deep.

I turned around, deciding to just put peroxide on them afterwards. I turned the nozzle, starting a bath so I could quickly wash up. Maybe it would help me relax too. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Many thoughts were still running through my head. I was definately relieved that the bad part was over and done with. My thoughts were stuck on our kiss. I didn't want to hold back anymore. I was interested in him from the start and we both knew we felt the same way towards each other. I couldn't deny it any longer. I fell in love with a vampire. With Gerard.

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