18 - A New Friend

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Chapter Eighteen

Adelaide's P.O.V

It was a little while after school and I was walking downstairs to my kitchen to grab something to drink. I opened my fridge and took a bottle of water. Closing the fridge, I saw my Dad walking in.

I waved, taking a sip of my water. "Hey, someone was here for you while you were at school" he said. I put the cap back on my water bottle and cocked my head to the side a little. "Who was it?"

He shrugged "I don't know, he didn't say, he had bright red hair and he was all shaky and nervous" he said. Gerard. But what could he have possibly wanted? He knew I was in school and he was being an asshole last time. Wait, shaky and nervous?

I nodded slowly to my dad as I took the information in. He was probably just nervous around my dad. I wonder what he wanted. "Do you know the kid?" He questioned me. I gnawed on my lip. "Must be some kid my friends know or someone from school.." I lied. My dad nodding, believing me.

I scurried out of the kitchen and back upstairs to my bedroom. I didn't know if I should text Gerard and ask him what was going on with him and what he wanted, or if I should keep away.

I picked up my phone, sitting on the edge of my bed. I think I'll wait for him to come to me.. I put my phone back down and remembered something. I hopped off my bed and picked up my sweater I threw on my chair after school.

I dug inside the pockets and found the phone number I was looking for. I decided I should text Tom. I added a new contact and put his number in my phone.

Tom's P.O.V

"I knew she wouldn't text you!" Mark laughed right in my face. I was slumped down in Mark's navy blue bean bag chair. I was now sulking and annoyed with Mark and his immature teasing.

" Shut the fuck up! It's only been three hours.. give her some time.." I mumbled the last part. Mark continued to laugh at me. "Yeah, only three hours, shes soo not into you" I rolled my eyes. "I don't care, asshole! This was your idea anyway" He snorted "I didn't recommend giving her your number" He said "Besides, ever since you and Jennifer broke up, you've been a lazy and depressed sack of shit, It's time for you to get a new girl and get over it" he said, messing around with his bass.

I sighed as sunk deeper into the bean bag chair. I wish this bean bag chair could just eat me so I can hide from the world and forget about my humiliation and problems. Yeah, that'd be great.

I suddenly heard my phone go off and I jumped up, quickly unlocking it. It was her. She texted me! Mark tried reading over my shoulder. "What'd she say? Is it Adelaide or your mom?" He questioned and snorted. I smiled widely right in his face. "It was was Adelaide, she finally texted me! I told you, buttfucker!" I rubbed it right in his face. He rolled his eyes.

"Looks like you won't die alone after all" he snickered. I groaned. "Dude, I'm not trying to get in her pants, I just wanna be friends, that'd be just great" I glared at him. He smirked. "Yeah, friends with benefits" "I will beat the piss out of you, smartass!" I snarled as I punched his arm.

He rubbed his arm "Ow! Ow! Alright!" He cried out in pain. I continued to focus on his guitar and grew less concerned with me. I continued to text Adelaide, eager for her response each time.


'Hey, is this Tom?'

'Nope, not at all, he's a total loser'


'I'm messing with ya, yes this is Tom :P'

'Okay good, haha, so what's up?"

'Just got back from skateboarding with my buddy Mark, how bout you, "girl I bumped into"? ;)'

'Awesome! You should teach me sometime! And reading some cheesy romance book that I am so not into for English class'

'I'd be more than glad to and that's lame'

'Sure is! Hey, I'll see you at school ok?'

'Yeah, ttyl.'

End of Conversation

I got up and grabbed my school bag. "I should get going, Mark, I'll see you tomorrow" I grumbled as I stretched before making my way out. I realised just now how late it was.

Mark yawned loudly. "See ya" he called after me. I headed downstairs and left his house, walking to mine. I was a little excited to see Adelaide tomorrow at school. Maybe, in the end, we could be a little more than just friends..

I know this chapter isn't all that great and that this story has a lot of sudden twists to it, and I apologize for it. Is it really that good of a story? Crappy texting convo between them, I know xD Until next time -Gxx

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