22 -Trust Issues

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Chapter twenty-two

I couldn't believe what I was seeing right now. Is it really him? I think its getting worse and I'm just starting to hallucinate.

I wiped away my tears. "Am I hallucinating.." I whispered to myself. He rolled his eyes. "You're not, relax.. It's really me" He mumbled the last part. Yep. It's really him. The usual cocky and sassy Gerard.

I scooted out of his lap and onto the edge of my bed. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at my floor. "How do you get in my house without me hearing you creep in? Why are you here?" I snapped and shot a dirty look at him.

He sat up, no longer leaned up against my wall. "Don't question my ways, and why not?" he said calmly, sassing me. I looked at the posters and artwork that were placed on my wall, trying to calm my nerves.

I admit, I was happy he was here, but I didn't want him to see me during my time of weakness. I didn't want him to see me cry. I really wish he didn't. That is why I am acting irritated by his presence. I didn't want to begged for him back. No matter how much I really wanted him back.

He kept his eyes on me, not looking away. I sat there awkwardly as neither of us spoke for a while. "Adelaide, I need to tell you something.." Gerard spoke softly. I looked up at him.

He showed no emotion as I studied his looks. Around his eyes were red and a little purple underneath, making him look like he hasn't slept in forever and cried a river for days.

"I love you, Adelaide, I honestly do, but we just can't be together because.." he trailed off searching for the words to say. I waited for him to continue. I raised a brow and folded my arms across my chest.

"Because what I did that night, was very very bad.. I lied about the whole two types of vampires thing.. I just let you believe that, there really are no two types of vampires, we're all the same cruel fucks but I go against slaughtering humans.. I have ever since I first saw you" he proceeded as he explained. I sat there, processing what he had been telling me.

"Now, before you freak out on me for lying, I apologize, for everything.. My mom is the vampire queen and she knows what I did, killing my kind to protect you now she's pissed and she is really angry with the fact that I have feelings for a human, so she forbid me for seeing you, so I thought if I got you to hate me it'd be easier for us.. It wasn't and I regret it" He looked down at his hands. He looked like he was trying so hard to hold back tears.

My eyes widened a little in shock. He lied to me? It was all an act? He loves me? His mom forbid him for seeing me? What. Is this all really the truth? "I.. I don't know what to say.." I said. I wasn't sure what to feel and how to react.

"Addie, I didn't mean to hurt you, I mean, It hurt me too.. You see, I have a younger brother who likes to snoop and tattle on me. If my mom found out that we were together after she forbidded me, she'd either kill you or kill us both. I didn't want you dead.. but I have a plan now.. I'm taking her down.. I want to be with you and I will do whatever it takes because my heart aches without you.." He said softly as he grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand away and scooted over a little. I still have trust issues with him. My heart screamed at me, yearning for him back, but my brain said I was smarter than this. Don't trust him right away.

"Gerard, I swear to fuck if you are lying to me I will rip your eyes out of your sockets and feed them to you" I snarled. His eyed widened at first but he bursted out laughing. He leaned in closer whispering "It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me down, babe.. don't forget I can always change my mind about not draining the blood out of you" He winked. I simply rolled my eyes. Bitch, please!

"But on a serious note.. Adelaide, I'm not lying to you, I made a promise to you to not let them hurt you, do you think I'd break that?"

I shook my head slowly. He smiled a toothy grin, showing off his fangs. I shuttered.

He leaned closer to me and kissed my nose. "And for your information, I feel the same way, I love you, Adelaide" He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap again.

"I'm so so very sorry for hurting you" He whispered to me before he gently nipped at my ear. I couldn't fight it any longer. He has regained my trust, but not all of it. I wrapped my arms around his figure and rested my head on his chest. "Don't you ever leave me again, Gerard Way" I hissed softly at him.

He chuckled darkly at me and held me close. He rain his fingers through my dirty/dark blonde locks of hair. He kissed my forehead. "I won't.. It was the bigger mistake I have ever made in my life"

Heyo! Changed a couple chapter names cx hope you all don't mind.

its pouring rain here ohmygosh o: Well, until next time. -Gxx

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