15 - Twiddling Thumbs and Sweating Bullets

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Chapter Fifteen

Adelaide's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up with a little hangover. It was worth it though. Last night was amazing.

No nothing "Special" or "inappropriate" happened. It was just.. nice. We talked, teased each other, and snuggled in the same spot that night. Every now and then we'd look up to admire the stars. Each time I saw Gerard I began to fall deeper in love with him. He was on my mind a lot and he made me feel happy and needed.

I grinned at the thought of him and pushed my covers off of me getting out of bed. Despite the hangover, I felt great and was in a good mood. I headed to my bathroom to take a quick shower. Time to get ready for a dreadful day of school.

Gerard's P.O.V

I sat in my dining room chair, across from him. I looked down at my hands placed in my lap. I was basically twiddling my thumbs and sweating bullets.

"Are you even listening to me, Gerard?"he snarled as he slammed his hands on the ancient wooden table, causing it to shake. I'm surprised it didn't break.

No, you conceited prick I thought to myself. "Look at me, Gerard!" He shouted. I took a deep breath and slowly looked up, my eyes meeting his. He looked pissed off as he glared deeply into my eyes. "I know you're hiding something from not only me, but everyone" He studied my face.

I swallowed hard. "For the twentieth time, Mikey, I'm not hiding shit from you so you can butt out of my business and go back to mommy" I spoke through clenched teeth. Mikey was my younger brother. My family always praised him and liked him more. He pissed me off more than anything. And what pissed me off most was that he could read me like an open book. No one else can.

"Bullshit, I smell the human scent all over you, Gerard" He hissed. "How do you know it wasn't from killing one, huh? Maybe I was out hunting." I simply lied, trying to cover up Adelaide. He couldn't find out.. He just couldn't, I refuse.

He snorted "Yeah, like you ever feed upon humans, You're too afraid to catch your own food, It's pathetic that you have to actually buy it in a bottle at a store. And that's the generic shit". I grew more and more angrier with him.

I stood up from my chair. "I had enough of your bullshit, you never liked me, so why bother me after I moved out and never bothered you guys?" I shouted at him. I was fed up.

He was about to rage. He was going to spill something out of his trap. "Because I know that you killed vampires! You're own kind. Up in Cemetery Drive just a few nights ago. And you were with a human girl.. You two, hugged" He blurted out. My eyes widened, in shock. His words were like daggers to me. I was in deep shit.

He knew too much already. I stood there speechless. I couldn't lie any further, he just wouldn't buy it. His face was slightly red, other than the usual pale face he had. "Stop playing with your food, Gerard Way!" he snapped.

There was silence between us. I watched him as he got up and slowly walked to the door. The last words he said before he left my house were "I'm telling mom.. You have no idea what is coming to you"

Adelaide's P.O.V

I sat in fourth period, tapping my pen on my desk. All day I couldn't keep Gerard off of my mind. My friend's tried getting ny attention but it hardly ever worked. I admit, I feel sheepish for thinking of him all day and not speaking to my friends or teachers.

I was pretty much zoned out. Lunch period was the worst, many people trying to talk to me as I picked at my food. The food wasn't that great in the first place, it never was. My group of friends then kinda gave up on trying to snap me out of my daydream, so they let me be. Good.

Out of all days, today they actually want me involved in their group a lot more. I shook the thought away and tried hard to focus on what my teacher was explaining to us. And just then, the bell rang. I sprung up on my two feet and made my way out.

When I reached my locker I switched books and slammed my locker shut. I was startled after someone was shoved into me. I yelped and turned around, getting ready to punch the son of a bitch.

It was a boy with a lip ring and black flippy hair. He wore a white T-shirt, skater shoes and baggy jeans. He had a sleeve tattoo too. I glared at him for a while as he looked me up and down.

"I'm sorry uh I really didn't mean to bump into you, my friend Mark and I were just goofing around.." He scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at the ground. I looked behind him to see his friend Mark trying to hide his laughter and making a 'Oh shit!' face. I glared at him shortly and turned back to the boy. I clutched my books tightly and calmed myself.

"It's alright, but I swear if that happens again.. you'll be sorry" I mumbled. He smirked. "Feisty one aren't you? I'm Tom, Tom Delonge" He introduced himself to me. To be honest, I've never even seen this boy around. I mean, maybe I did, but I probably just didn't pay much attention to him.

"Who said I wanted to be friends?" I snorted, replying in a cocky way. He laughed. "Well, thought I'd like to at least get to know the girl I bumped into" he grinned. I admit, his smile was pretty cute, with his lip ring and all.. No! But I have a thing with Gerard.. Even if he is a vampire.

I rolled my eyes and gave in. Just as I opened my mouth to talk, the bell rang. I didn't want to be late. "I-I gotta go, bye!" I stammered as I ran off to my next class, leaving him standing there alone. I felt bad ending the conversation like that, but I really had to go. My fifth period teacher didn't put up with any crap.

Sorry for the long time no update xP Ran out of ideas for a little while, but it all came back to me. I'm glad a lot of you really enjoy the fanfic c: Until next time ~Gxx

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