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A voice echoed throughout the royal hall, along with the sound of clicking heels against the checkered tiles.

The room could be considered artwork itself, from the expensive floor tiles to the pillars, the decorative vases and sculptures, the chandelier- hell, even the ceiling was unbelievably intricately detailed. A chip of paint probably cost a fortune.

 A chip of paint probably cost a fortune

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At the head of the room were two seats.
The thrones that belonged to the King and Queen, to be exact.

However both were absent at the moment, attending to some business which left their son in the hands of their most trusted staff.
Kim Namjoon.

He wasn't part of the royal line, but he had become part of the royal staff at the age of 17, when the Prince was just 13

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He wasn't part of the royal line, but he had become part of the royal staff at the age of 17, when the Prince was just 13. Namjoon was smart, and wise beyond his years. He had earned the trust of the King and Queen, and was soon trusted to care for the young Prince when they were unable to- which was nearly all of the time. Therefore he was the boy's butler and tutor, but he made it clear that above all else, he was his friend.

Although the young Prince was indeed a pain in the ass almost all of the time, it was clear he held respect for Namjoon.
Still, that didn't mean he wasn't a total brat.

"Checkmate? Again?" The young Prince groaned, slumping in the King's throne.

"Mhm. I've told you before, Prince Jeongguk. Keep your eyes sharp. You never know when the opponent may take out the key player." Namjoon hummed, nodding at the servant lady that was now standing in front of the male with a paper crown on his head.
The servant lady nodded back and tapped the male, smiling triumphantly.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, resting his cheek on his fist. He waved a hand at the formation of servants and knights that were spaced out on the checkered floor like chess pieces, some standing off to the side after being 'knocked off' the 'board.'

Playing chess with the royal staff as the pieces was a game Jeongguk had suggested after Namjoon had beat him one too many times at regular chess. Namjoon found the idea to be amusing and presented it to various staff members before gathering enough for a few games.

Only one of which Jeongguk had won.
"I'm bored of this. You're all dismissed." He huffed, waving them all off. Each one of them bowed in respect and exited the room to their respective positions around the palace, leaving him with Namjoon alone once again.

"Tired of losing?" Namjoon hummed, glancing at him sideways from where he stood beside the King's throne. Technically Jeongguk wasn't even supposed to be sitting in the throne, but Namjoon had given up on trying to convince otherwise.

"No." Jeongguk denied, stretching his legs out. Namjoon looked the young Prince over.

 Namjoon looked the young Prince over

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"Prince Jeongguk... I say this as your friend, and not just your royal caretaker," Namjoon sighed. "But shouldn't you dress more... Prince-like? Your 19th birthday is just around the corner, and your parents are going to be inviting many powerful people to the celebration."

Jeongguk looked up at him with bored eyes. "So? Why should I care?"

"Because, Prince Jeongguk, pretty soon you will be King and you'll have to maintain relations with the neighboring Kingdoms, and the alliances-"
"What does that have to do with how I dress?" Jeongguk shrugged, getting cozy in the throne.

Namjoon shook his head. "Forget it." Perhaps Jeongguk's parents would have better luck addressing the issue.

Jeongguk fixed his red beanie and stood up.
"I gotta go. Jimin's waiting for-"
"Jimin. Park Jimin? I've told you about him a hundred times, Joon." Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "He's the guy I met at the pub a few months ago. Beat his ass at dart a couple of times. Speaking of which, he still owes me money." He muttered the last part to himself.

Namjoon shook his head and ran his hand through his dusty purple hair. "Oh, trust me, I know. I just like to think you were lying." He mumbled.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because the Prince I've been entrusted with caring for 24/7 is running off to meet some boy from the town that I don't even know? He could be dangerous, Jeongguk." Namjoon sighed.

"He isn't, trust me." Jeongguk snorted. "The dude nearly poked his own eye out trying to show off a dart throw."

Suddenly he clapped his hands together, the sound reverberating in the large space. "Well. I'll be off, then. Expect me back before my parents arrive home." He flashed a frustrated Namjoon a smile and strolled out of the palace casually, hands in his jean pockets.

Namjoon stayed where he was and closed his eyes, sighing heavily.
That was another rule Jeongguk loved to break.

The Prince was not to leave the palace without the company of a royal staff member but, of course, Jeongguk wouldn't let that happen.

He didn't want to 'draw attention.'

Namjoon had given up on enforcing that rule, as well. He supposed that since the boy's 19th birthday was coming up, he would learn some more responsibility.



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