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"I don't want to wear this, dad!" Jeongguk shouted down the long corridor that stretched from his bedroom to his parents.

One of the palace maids stood awkwardly beside him, having laid out the outfit he was supposed to wear for the celebration later that evening.
A black velvet suit coat, a white button-up that had ruffles running down either side of the column of buttons, and a red ribbon to wear around his neck.

Jungkook hates that ribbon

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Jungkook hates that ribbon. He hadn't worn that one in particular, but his parents had gotten him to wear ribbon chokers before to appear 'fashionable' and God did he hate them.

"I don't care. You need to look like royalty tonight, Jeongguk, not like a street rat." His father came into the room, hands in the pockets of his pants.
Jeongguk looked down at his black jeans and grey hoodie, then scowled at his father.

"I don't look like a street rat."
"Don't argue you with me, son." His father shook his head. "You'll be wearing what your mother and I chose for you, end of discussion. After the celebration is over, you may wear whatever you please."

"But these dumb parties go for hours!"
"I said end of discussion." His father sighed. "Now freshen up and get dressed. The dinner will be starting in three hours, and I expect you to be present at the head of the table with your mother and I."

Jeongguk frowned. "Wait, a dinner? Before the party?"

"With neighboring Kingdoms. Specifically the the Kim's and the Min's. You will be meeting the Kim's three children, and the Min's son. You best be on your best behavior. This dinner is important, Jeongguk. Our families have remained allies for decades, but politics are not simple nowadays. One wrong word and you could potentially start a war."

Jeongguk blinked, sitting on the edge of his bed and staring at his father with a quirked brow. "So... You're saying if I start rambling about how much I hate the color yellow and, like, Queen Min loves yellow, then our entire Kingdom is about to be destroyed?"

His father rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. "No, Jeongguk. You know what I mean."

Jeongguk's eyes widened, as if finally realizing his father's implications. "Oh- Oh shit. I'm sorry, yeah. I understand now." He nodded.
His father sighed in relief. "Good, now-"
"You mean I can't say I like dick."

The maid in the room threw a hand over her mouth to suppress her giggles, seeing the irritation on the King's face.

Everyone in the Kingdom knew that the Prince was far from impressed by the women he's been presented with as potential brides. His parents introduced him to multiple princesses from all over in hopes that he'd take a liking to at least one, but to their dismay, he never did.
It had annoyed Jeongguk to the point that one evening he stormed into his mothers sewing room, where both she and his father were attempting to privately discuss their dilemma, and announce, 'for fuck's sake, I'm gay.'

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