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hi shawn mendes is rly good and i can't believe he's only 9 days older than me smh  look at him go

anyways, this is what all the boys are wearing in this chap:

anyways, this is what all the boys are wearing in this chap:

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"Where are we going? It's so early." Taehyung whined, letting Hoseok drag him out of his bedroom. In his hands were copious letters from Jeongguk that he hadn't had a chance to completely read through. He had only returned home two days ago and the timezone difference was worse than he had anticipated. 

Hoseok sighed heavily. "It's 3 pm, Taehyung." He shook his head.

"Seriously...?" He groaned and looked out a window that was at the end of the hall. "Geez... Nevermind, then. That doesn't answer my question, though. Where are we going? I don't remember father having any meetings set up for me to attend.

"You'll see. I have clothes out for you in the maids quarters, they'll help you get ready." He said casually, walking down the grand set of stairs. 

Taehyung followed, frowning. "I can get dressed myself." He huffed. 

Hoseok stopped and turned to look over his shoulder at Taehyung, raising an eyebrow as he surveyed the Prince's current appearance. One of the legs of his sweatpants were scrunched up to his knee, socks different colors and his tee shirt on inside out. 

"Hm. I see." He teased and continued to walk, earning a grumble from the Prince behind him. Taehyung didn't protest further and instead made his way to the maids quarters to see what this outfit was that Hoseok was talking about. 

The first thing he saw was a mask. It was something that you'd expect to see in Phantom of the Opera, one half of the mask extending to just below the cheekbone and the other ending just above the left eye. It matched the color scheme of the suit he saw laid underneath it. The jacket was black with an elegant floral pattern sewn into it, the color somewhere between that of gold and silver.

 The jacket was black with an elegant floral pattern sewn into it, the color somewhere between that of gold and silver

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He looked down in the letters clutched in his hand and chewed on his lip. 

He would have to read these on the way to... wherever it was he was going. 

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