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ok so like, the way I'm imagining this whole roof set up is it's a flat rooftop at the front of the building and it has a bit of a wall sort of thing so you can't just walk off lmao idk if that makes sense but I can't find photos of anything similar and I don't like the look of traditional castles for some reason so I didn't like any of those, I'm picky?? 

Jeongguk sat on the roof for what felt like hours (but was really only about one) after the lanterns had ended. He couldn't see them anymore, they had long since disappeared but his gaze remained fixed on the sky. 

Taehyung had gone back inside not too long ago, saying something about bringing over Jimin and Yoongi. He asked if Jeongguk wanted to go with but Jeongguk said he'd rather remain where he was. 

He felt at peace for the first time in a while and he didn't want to risk losing that anytime soon. 

So there he was, reclined back against the rooftop with both arms crossed behind his head and one leg propped up beside the other. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath of the fresh night air as he continued to relax. 

Suddenly Jeongguk heard footsteps, and he knew they didn't belong to Taehyung. Taehyung always wore weirdly expensive slippers whenever he wasn't out somewhere else, and the slippers made a weird clopping sound since the heels always smacked against the ground with each step. 

These footsteps were very shuffled. 

Jeongguk opened his eyes and saw Yoongi standing over him with a raised eyebrow. 

"It's pretty chilly up here, y'know." Yoongi hummed, looking up at the surroundings. "Pretty nice, though."

Jeongguk sat up. "Where's Jimin and Tae?"

"Tae?" Yoongi scoffed as he sat beside him. "They're in Taehyung's room. I decided to come up here and find you."

Jeongguk nodded. "How'd you know I'd be here?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Jimin mentioned it earlier."

Jeongguk nodded again and pulled his knees up to his chest. He looped both arms around his legs.


Jeongguk looked at the other male again. "So...?"

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked. 

"Oh." Jeongguk looked back out at the lake. "Good. Actually... great."

"Boring." Yoongi yawned. "How do you really feel?"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Okay then... I feel..." He furrowed his brows together in thought. "I feel happy."

"Go on." Yoongi hummed. 

"Weightless... Liberated. I feel so... so relieved? Like a weight has just been lifted off of my shoulders... Y'know?" Jeongguk murmured, smiling a little.

Yoongi smiled as well, nodding as he spoke. "Yeah. I do." 

The mint-haired Prince became quiet, as well as Jeongguk, as he stared at the scenery before him. While Jimin had been up here countless times, he hadn't. Not once. Not that he particularly cared, but he did certainly enjoy giving Jimin a hard time about it.
But now, being up here finally, he saw why Jeongguk was so hesitant to show it to a lot of people. It was absolutely breathtaking no matter where you looked. This sort of place was so rare to find nowadays that he couldn't blame Jeongguk for only bringing Jimin up here. What would be the point of having a secret place if more people knew about it?

Yoongi heard shuffling from beside him and figured it was just Jeongguk moving positions. 

That is until he felt arms around him. 

Jeongguk had wrapped both of his arms around Yoongi, burying his face into his shoulder and closing his eyes. He was sitting on his knees, lowering himself to Yoongi's height where he was sitting to hug him tight.

"Um- Jeongguk?" Yoongi blinked. "Are you okay?"

Jeongguk nodded his head. "Thank you so much for everything." He mumbled just loud enough for Yoongi to understand his words. 

Yoongi smiled a bit and put a hand on Jeongguk's back, giving it a few pats. 

The two of them weren't the touchiest, the most physical contact they usually shared was some elbowing in the ribs, high-fives, that sort of stuff.

Hugs weren't common between them.

"You're welcome." Yoongi said in an equally quiet tone. 

"Yoongi! Jeongguk! Come down here!" 

Jeongguk and Yoongi separated from their hug and peered down over the edge of the roof to see Jimin and Taehyung peering back up with bright smiles. 

Without another word, they made their way back inside and then back out to the large gardens. Taehyung smiled at Jeongguk.

"So... Have you guys ever played, like, hide and seek in the gardens?"

Jeongguk stared at him. That was a very un-Taehyung-like question. 

"Many times. Hide and seek tag, to be precise..." Yoongi grinned. "And Jeongguk always gets caught first." 

Jeongguk scoffed and folded his arms. "Yeah right."

"I guess we'll have to see." Taehyung grinned and covered his eyes. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."

As the blonde began to count, the three other boys bolted into the gardens in search of hiding spots. 

Laughter and shouting could be heard for the next hour and a half, where the four boys played the game throughout the entirety of the palace gardens. 

Was it late as hell?


They were probably keeping the rest of the palace awake with their noise, but no one cared. This was genuinely the most fun any of them had had in ages, and man, did it feel great. There's truly no better feeling than acting like kids with your best friends. 

Jimin and Yoongi both stayed the night, using Jeongguk's room. Usually they'd take a guest room, but they were all too tired to bother. So Jeongguk, being the good friend he was, allowed the two to sleep in his room and he decided to sleep on the futon in Taehyung's room again. 

Or at least he would if Taehyung had let him. Before Jeongguk could even lay down, Taehyung dragged him over to the bed. 

"That thing is not suitable to sleep on. C'mon, we can share the bed. It's big enough, and it bothers you that much I can make a pillow wall between us." He said as he pushed Jeongguk over to the bed. 

Jeongguk sighed. "It's fine. Are you sure you don't want space, though?"

Taehyung laughed at that, shaking his head as he got comfortable. "I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but no. I actually love proximity, and cuddling and all that. It's comforting for me. I sleep worse by myself."

Jeongguk stared at him. "So you're saying you're going to koala hug me while I'm sleeping?"

Taehyung shrugged. "No promises." He teased. "But in all seriousness, it's fine. Just lay down and get some rest, alright?"

Jeongguk laid down with his back to the wall, gazing at Taehyung for a moment. He couldn't see his face well since it was dark, but he could see a smile on his lips. 

"What?" Jeongguk murmured, smiling a bit as well.

"Nothing." Taehyung shook his head and rolled over with his back to Jeongguk. "Goodnight, Gukkie."

hey okay so, I'm sorry but I can't be sure how often updates will be now? I just started the second semester of classes, and being a double major in Elementary Ed. and Art Ed. means A  L O T of busy work, studio classes, practicums (going in to classrooms for a few hours a week), papers, reading, notes, video projects, etc. not to mention I'm part of the college forensics/speech team so that'll take up most of my weekends...

long story short, it's only day 2 and I'm already having some mental breakdowns but! I'll survive! 

Just wanted to let you guys know updates may be spaced apart quite a bit... who knows. I may find time every now and then to crank out a few chapters here and there! We'll see! <3 Love you guys! Thank you for all the love<3

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