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While the two Princes enjoyed their time hidden away in the wine cellar, their two butlers, Namjoon and Hoseok, enjoyed some time to themselves as well.

They were sitting in the staff's quarters library, discussing their favorite novels, their favorite poets, authors, etc. Both of them were content finding someone else who shared a love of literature. 

"Now, Namjoon, I have a question to ask... And no, unfortunately it isn't about your collection of Tolkien manuscripts, although I would love to talk about that later on." Hoseok chuckled lightly, setting his coffee down on the table. 

Namjoon chuckled as well and folded his hands over his chest, elbows rested on the armrests of the chair he was currently sat in. 

"Go ahead." He smiled, dimples showing prominently. That was truly a warming sight to Hoseok's anxious stomach, but unfortunately the question he was about to ask outweighed that warmth and friendliness. 

"Have you been aware of what the Jeon's and the Kim's have been discussing lately?"

Namjoon's smile faded, the dimples melting away. He hung his head a bit with a brief nod. 

"I have been, yes." He said quietly. "They're planning to send Taehyung back home, aren't they?"

Hoseok nodded as well, expression dimming just as much as Namjoons. 

"Then I assume you know more about it than I do, since I haven't been around King and Queen Kim in quite some time." Hoseok sighed. 

Again, Namjoon nodded. 

"They're noticing Jeongguk's improvement. I'll even say myself, Jeongguk has become much brighter. He's still as stubborn as ever, but Taehyung seems to have dug that inner-King out of him just enough for him to do the rest himself." Namjoon sighed. "That being said... King and Queen Jeon think it's best that Taehyung returns home to pursue his own duties."

Hoseok thought for a moment, gaze shifting to look out the window at the clouds that hung grey in the sky. It seemed almost like foreshadowing. 

"And what do you think, Namjoon?"

Namjoon laughed dryly. "I think that Jeongguk is so much better because Taehyung is around. Without him, he might spiral back to being what he was before..." He looked out the window as well. "But we'll see. Taehyung needs to return home eventually, and if they believe the time is now, then... there's nothing more for us to do with the matter."

"I suppose." Hoseok muttered. "Taehyung seems a bit happier too, lately. Ever since Jeongguk saw all those lanterns, they've been so much closer. Like best friends..."

"A bit more, even." Namjoon sighed heavily. "And that's sort of what I was afraid of."

Hoseok furrowed his brows. "Why?"

Namjoon shook his head. "He'll get attached. Who knows what will happen when Taehyung leaves..."

"Well... We'll have to wait and see, I guess." Hoseok said quietly, and Namjoon nodded dully in agreement. Neither of them wanted this, but it seemed it would happen regardless. 

After all, at the end of the day they were simply part of the Royal Staff of their respective Kingdoms. There was nothing they could do.

"You smell nice. What kind of body wash do you use?" Jeongguk hummed, his nose nuzzled up against the crook of Taehyung's neck. His eyes were closed, letting the comforting scent of warm vanilla and hints of cinnamon wash over his sense.

Taehyung laughed and Jeongguk could feel the vibrations as if they were a part of his body. This made him smile. 

"What's so funny?"

"You." Taehyung grinned lazily. "You're acting like we're a couple; being all cute and snuggly..." He ruffled Jeongguk's dark hair. 

Jeongguk lifted his gaze to meet Taehyung's. "Do you want to be?"

"Be what?"

"A couple." 

The breath seemed to leave Taehyung's lungs entirely. He had first come to the Jeon residence a total stranger, and a loathed one at that on Jeongguk's part, a little over a month ago. 

And here was, trapped in the Prince's strong arms and exchanging tender kisses with the other. 

It's funny how things change, isn't it?

"Tae?" Jeongguk frowned, worry beginning to creep in from the dark corners of his mind. He began to worry that maybe that wasn't the right thing to ask. 

"Sorry." Taehyung smiled sheepishly, pulling himself back into reality. "Be a couple, huh? The two of us?"

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "No, I'm asking your permission to date your brother. Yes, the two of us, you dork."

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair and thought for another short moment. 

He looked into Jeongguk's eyes, seeing the apprehension clouding his dark iris'. 

"Alright. Sure." Taehyung smiled, planting a small peck on the tip of Jeongguk's nose. "Why not?"

Jeongguk blinked, then stared at Taehyung in shock. "Wait- For real?" He laughed breathlessly. "You're saying yes? To being- like, my boyfriend?"

"Um, I'd hope more than just 'like' your boyfriend." Taehyung teased. "What's got you so stunned, huh?"

"I just never-"

"Yeah." Taehyung stopped him. "Same."

"You didn't let me finish." Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"Do I need to?" Taehyung cocked a brow. "You never expected this, and neither did I, but here we are. Life is a funny thing."

Jeongguk chuckled again, still just as breathless as before. "Yeah." He muttered in agreement, and then fell back into comfortable silence. 

Or at least it was going to be until there was a loud knock on the wooden door that led to the wine cellar. Jeongguk groaned and let go of Taehyung, making a move towards the door to see who it was. 

The door opened before he could do it himself and there stood Namjoon and Hoseok, both looking a bit unimpressed. 

"Hey, Joon." Jeongguk grinned. "What brings you here?"

"Looking for you two, if you really couldn't figure it out." Namjoon sighed. 

"Taehyung, come with me." Hoseok beckoned Taehyung out of the dimly lit wine cellar. "We have some things to go over."

"Coming." Taehyung's voice was quiet and shy, and Jeongguk could tell by the pinkish color in his cheeks that he was embarrassed that they got caught. Jeongguk smiled faintly. 

"See you around, Prince Taehyung." Jeongguk winked and Taehyung blushed darker, following Hoseok out of the doorway and through the kitchen. Jeongguk thought they were probably going upstairs to talk. He'd maybe go up there later. 

Jeongguk stepped out of the cellar as well and closed the door behind him, offering a smile to Namjoon. 

"Look, if my parents ask-"

"Be careful, Jeongguk." Namjoon said gently, eyes serious and his face very... void of any irritation. That was new. 

"Um, what?" Jeongguk frowned. "All we did was kiss a bit, nothing scandalous." He rolled his eyes and was about to walk away when a large hand gripped his shoulder, pulling him back. 

Namjoon stared at him for a moment. "I mean... be careful about getting attached." He searched Jeongguk's face for any sign of understanding, and when he found none he continued. "Taehyung won't be here forever. Do you understand?"

"Um." Jeongguk looked at his hand and then at Namjoon's face. "Sure." He raised an eyebrow and used his own hand to nudge off Namjoons, then walked away. 

Namjoon watched him go and bit the inside of his cheek, internally cursing. He had done what he could, couldn't he? It was obvious that he was too late, anyways. So now... all he could do was wait and see. 

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