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get ready

"Taehyung! I told you I would take care of the finance reports this month!" Jeongguk huffed, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall of their bathroom, scowling at his husband in the mirror.

Taehyung straightened up from brushing his teeth and quirked a brow. He removed the tooth brush from his mouth. "Don't act like you wanted to." He leaned down to spit out the tooth paste and used his other hand to rinse the excess foam off the corners of his mouth. "You always complain about doing it, so I thought I'd do it for you."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but it's part of our compromise, remember? We take turns doing them, and you did them last month." He pouted. "I don't want my baby to overwork himself."

"Calm down, Ggukie." Taehyung put his toothbrush down and turned to face his pouting husband, putting on an equally adorable pout. "I just wanted to give you a break for your birthday month."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. That was true, it was his birthday month, but they had already celebrated.

As of a week and a half ago, he was now officially 28 years old. So that means he first met Taehyung, the love of his life (although he didn't know it at the time), 9 years ago, and had been married for about 7 years. So much had changed in those years. Both of his parents were now passed, (his father of illness and his mother of old age), Minji and Sunhee were older (and slightly sassier) but still adored Jeongguk and Taehyung all the same, Yoongi and Jimin were now Kings of the Min Kingdom, Taehyung's brother was King of the Kim Kingdom, Namjoon had finally learned how to cook (thanks, Seokjin), and Hoseok had decided to move to the Jeon Kingdom, claiming that the other Kim children had their own butlers and Taehyung was his responsibility. Taehyung teased him because he knew it was mostly because he missed the young royalty.

Jeongguk was still in awe that so much time had gone by.

"You didn't have to, Tae..." He shakes his head, although smiles gently. "But thank you, I suppose."

Taehyung smiled and gave Jeongguk a kiss on the cheek. "You better thank me. It was a pain in the ass to write up."

The raven haired male hummed and turned his head to the side to strategically capture his husbands lips, the taste of fresh mint toothpaste tingling his own. Taehyung, although not pulling away entirely, moved back enough to speak.

"Gguk, we don't have time for this." He sighed against his partner's lips.

"I'm the King, darling. If I say the word, we could have all the time in the world." Jeongguk murmured. "And you're my Queen, so I'm going to treat you like one." He brought their lips back together in another tender kiss.

The couple stumbled their way out of the master bathroom and into the bedroom. They moved together, taking steps further into the room. After so many years, they did, after all, know the layout of the room like the back of their hands so neither of them were concerned about running into anything.

When the back of Jeongguk's legs came into contact with the bed, he sat down and pulled away from Taehyung, a cocky smile on his lip. "Shall I say the word, my Queen?"

Taehyung stared at him. "No."

Jeongguk pouted.

"Because you're the Queen, here." Taehyung added with a snort.

Jeongguk's pout became a playful scowl. "Oh, that's a lie. You're the diva!"

"And you're a baby." Taehyung shrugged.

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