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"You seem to be in a better mood this evening, Jeongguk!" His mother beamed as Jeongguk sat at the dinner table the evening following his and Taehyung's dance session. Jeongguk shrugged, trying to hold back his genuine smile.

"I had a good day." He said as he picked up his fork and dug into the food Seokjin put out for him.

His mother quirked a curious brow as she looked over her son. She hadn't seen such a lively vibe radiate from him in ages. To say it was refreshing was an understatement.

"So what are your plans for the night?" She prompted conversation, her delicate hands picking up a knife and fork to pick out a piece of her dinner steak.

Jeongguk swallowed the bite he had been chewing and shrugged again, reaching for the glass of water by his plate. "I thought I'd go out to see Jimin and Yoongi later."

"Oh." She frowned a little. "I'm glad you're making an effort to see your friends, dear, but... didn't your father-"

"Ban me from leaving without Taehyung? Yeah. He did." Jeongguk felt an immediate mood drop. "But Taehyung is never around when I want to go out. He said he had some people to meet with tonight... Just this once, please?"

For once in his life, Jeongguk found himself begging his mother to let him leave the palace. Any time before he would up and go, but this time was different. He wasn't entirely sure what it was that had changed, but it was almost as if Taehyung was doing something to him... softening him, maybe.

His mother gazed at him, her eyes showing how hard she was contemplating her next move. She knew either way, she'd upset either her son or her husband.

"Fine." She finally sighed. "I'll speak with your father if he asks. But Jeongguk, behave please."

Jeongguk's mood lifted. He smiled at her and got up from the table, going around to where she sat and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, mom."

He wasted no time in clearing his dinner plate and taking it to the kitchen for Seokjin to wash, then rushed to his bedroom to get ready. He put on a change of clothes, which consisted of a large white tee shirt, some black skinny jeans and then pulled on a pair of black hi-tops.

 He put on a change of clothes, which consisted of a large white tee shirt, some black skinny jeans and then pulled on a pair of black hi-tops

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Jeongguk left the palace, expertly avoiding his father and any of his father's personal staff as he did so.

Once in the town, he went to their usual hang-out spot, which was the pub. He had heard Jimin picked up a part-time job there not too long ago, so he figured that he'd look for him there first.

Sure enough, there he was. His freshly dyed orange hair made him stick out like a sore thumb. Something else stood out to Jeongguk more than the carrot colored hair, though. His clothes. They were very un-Jimin like, so much so that it made Jeongguk incredibly suspicious.

Jimin was slumped over the booth table, one arm sticking out and the other reached out towards the amused looking mint-haired boy. Yoongi had his cheek rested on his fist as he let his clearly drunk boyfriend play with the rings that adorned his other hand.

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