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do not worry, this is not an april fools joke, I promise I'm not that mean

but hi happy Easter

also sry theres a bit of a bombshell in here oOPs

"Jeongguk! Come try this on!" A gentle female voice called for the young Prince from the Queen's sewing room.

Jeongguk, who had been on his way to his own bedroom after a long day, stopped and looked around the corner, down the corridor. He saw Jiyeon smiling warmly, waving her arm to beckon him over. He sighed to himself, dismayed that he had to do more things. He loved Jiyeon, but he so badly needed some rest.

It wasn't necessarily because he was overworked that he was so exhausted. It was more so the fact that the last couple of weeks had just been full of some awful luck.

Minus the fact he had little to no time to ever write Taehyung anymore, he was starting to lose hope that he'd ever hear back. For all he knew, Taehyung had come back home and had lost interest.
Jeongguk was getting boat loads of work piled up all around him as responsibilities were beginning to shift from his father down to himself.

And speaking of his father...

His health hadn't been the best the last few months. The stress of Kingship had been taking a large toll on him and it had apparently started not too long before Taehyung showed up.

Jeongguk hadn't noticed that half the time his father left the palace was to see a doctor or get prescriptions and, man, he felt awful that he hadn't. He had been so self-absorbed, he couldn't see anyone but himself.

Jeongguk had learned that that was why Taehyung was brought in, too. It wasn't just because Jeongguk was a pain in the ass, but it was also because they needed Jeongguk to be as ready as possible to take over as soon as possible. The sooner his father was relieved from the stress, the better.
He learned about all of this five days ago when his mother and father pulled him aside to inform him that his coronation would be on the 8th of April. That was in an exact week, although now at the current moment it was in 2 more days. Tomorrow night there would be a Kingdom-wide celebration, and the follow morning, he would be announced the new King.

And for once, Jeongguk understood.

He didn't freak out.
He didn't yell, he didn't curse his parents or grumble to Namjoon.

He gave his parents both hugs and said simply that he understood and that he would do the best that he could.

Did he want to be King so soon?
Hell no. But it was the least he could do for being such a god awful mess previously, wasn't it?

"This'll be quick, I promise." Jiyeon chuckled, seeing the tired expression on his face as he approached.

Jeongguk forced a smile and nodded as he stepped in to the sewing room, looking around at his mother's work that was draped all-round.

"What do you need?" He asked, mustering up his last bits of social energy.

Jiyeon held up the object she had been holding and Jeongguk was surprised that he hadn't really noticed it before. The dark royal blue contrasted greatly from her pale yellow attire.

"Your mother has been working on this for a long time." She smiled, eyes crinkling up and glittering with excitement. "She wanted to give it to you herself, but she's tending to your father this evening while Namjoon runs out to pick up his new prescription."

Jiyeon saw the way Jeongguk's lips tightly formed a line and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, dear." She murmured. "It's just something to help ease his aches. That's all."

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