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i deliver on my promises

So Jeongguk had proposed to Taehyung about 8 months before Jimin had officially moved to the Min Kingdom. It's not a very exciting story and it isn't anything new, in fact it sounds like almost every other proposal story. That didn't stop Jeongguk from feeling butterflies in his stomach anytime his mind wandered back to it. It would always be one of Jeongguk's favorite stories to tell. 

If there was one thing that Jeongguk learned during this process, it was that Jimin was too good to him. 

Without Jimin, Jeongguk never would have gotten the ring in time for the picnic he had planned with Taehyung. 

Yes, a fucking picnic. Just because he's King doesn't mean he's original. 

Truth be told, Jeongguk was only mildly panicking that Taehyung would laugh at him because neither of them were really the type to plan dates like this. Yet here Jeongguk was, in the kitchen with Seokjin trying to fold the blanket up as neatly as possible to fit in the basket. 

Seokjin had already packaged up some food for the two of them and watched in amusement as the King struggled to fold the large blue blanket. "Give it here, Gguk." He rolled his eyes and Jeongguk sighed, handing it over with a sheepish look of defeat. Seokjin folded it over his arm a few times and then set it neatly on the top of the basket. "There."

"Thanks." Jeongguk scratched the back of his neck and closed the top of the basket over the now-folded blanket. "Is that everything?"

Seokjin nodded. "Yep. I stashed it beneath the desserts, by the way. Save the best for last." He winked and began to go about his usual business in the kitchen.

Jeongguk smiled awkwardly. "Yeah... Hopefully he likes it." It referring to the ring; the ring that caused so much stress that he swears he saw a grey hair somewhere on his head. "Being King has its perks, that's the only reason I got it so fast. Trying to get a custom-made ring like that from the best in the Kingdom usually takes a few weeks minimum." He exhaled heavily. "But... it's there. We have it. Now all that's left to do is pop the question."

"You're seriously that concerned?" Seokjin chuckled as he washed some dishes on the opposite side of the kitchen. "He's already agreed to move here, what's the worst that could happen?"

Jeongguk shrugged. "Let's just hope we don't find out, yeah?" He laughed a little and took the basket from the counter top. "Thanks again, Jin." He said over his shoulder as he left. 

"When you said 'we're going out for a picnic,' I thought you meant actually going out." Taehyung chuckled and laid back on the blanket, gazing up at the sunset sky. "Not lay out a blanket and eat on top of the palace."

Jeongguk smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. Sorry about that, I didn't think through on the location part." He looked around. 

It wasn't an awful setting. They had a gorgeous view and they had it all to themselves. 

"I like it." Taehyung put his hands behind his head. "This is like our own spot, no one can interrupt us." He hummed and closed his eyes. "And we can always go pester Seokjin for more food, too. He makes the best cheesecake."

Jeongguk laughed as he cleaned up the paper plates and napkins, setting them next to the basket. He peeked inside the basket just to make sure the ring was still there (not that it could really go anywhere by itself) and looked at Taehyung. 

"It looks like he packed some more things in here. Wanna look?" Jeongguk pushed the basket towards Taehyung. 

Taehyung sat up and stared at the basket. "Why? Can't you?"

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