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"What kind of Prince wears Timberland's and beanies?" Taehyung wrinkled his nose as he wandered through Jeongguk's massive walk-in closet.

Jeongguk, who laid stretched out on his bed, had his phone held over his face and rolled his eyes.
"Me, bitch."

Taehyung popped his head out, a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Jeongguk lowered his phone, propped himself up on his elbows, and looked at him.
"Oh I'm sorry. I meant- I do, your Highness." He said in an overdramatic tone of voice.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went back into the deep closet for ten or so minutes. Jeongguk, on the other hand, laid back and closed his eyes.

It had been one week since Taehyung temporarily moved in, and it was driving Jeongguk absolutely nuts. He wondered how long this would go on.

Taehyung emerged with a heap of clothes, then dropped them next to Jeongguk.

"Try these on."

Jeongguk opened an eye. "Pardon?"

"These clothes. Put them on." Taehyung ordered and sat down on the other side of the bed, waiting. Jeongguk wrinkled his nose but stood up regardless, grabbed the clothes, and began to undress.

Taehyung coughed as he saw Jeongguk pull off his large black tee shirt, exposing the tan, muscular back.
"Uh- are you going to change in here?"

Jeongguk paused and shot him a smug grin.
"Why not? It's my bedroom." He began to tug his black joggers off of his hips and Taehyung immediately looked away, face flushed pink.

Four minutes later and he heard a disgusted grunt. That meant Jeongguk had finished.
Taehyung hesitantly looked and saw Jeongguk looking over himself in the mirror with a twisted expression.

A pair of black pants, a dark red shirt, and a black coat.

Taehyung beamed

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Taehyung beamed. "You look so handsome, Jeongguk!"

"I look fancy and expensive." Jeongguk wrinkled his nose. "These clothes were in the back of my closet for a reason, y'know."
"Oh, c'mon! You don't even look that dressed up! Imagine how dreamy and Prince-like you'd look if-"

"Did you just call me dreamy?" Jeongguk grinned slyly at Taehyung in the mirror. He turned around slowly to face him, and wiggled his brows teasingly. "Does the golden boy Prince Kim Taehyung have a thing for the piece of dirt Prince Jeon Jeongguk?"

Taehyung glared. "Of course not! That's very unprofessional."

There was a beat of silence.

"And you're not a piece of dirt." He muttered, looking away.
"I've gathered otherwise." Jeongguk sighed.
"You aren't. Just a tad bit immature for your status." He shrugged.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. Before he could retaliate, Namjoon entered the room.

"Ah, Prince Jeongguk and Prince Taehyung. Thought I'd find you both here." He smiled at the Princes.
"Yes, Joon?" Jeongguk sighed. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk irritably at the informal response to the Butler, but quickly disregarded it.

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