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After that morning Jeongguk has decided that maybe it was about time he give Taehyung a chance. That didn't mean he was exactly happy with the situation but he figured that if there was anyone to be angry at, it was his parents.
Not Taehyung.
Besides... after finally getting to know him, Jeongguk learned he wasn't all that bad.

So to make up for all of his recent attitude, Jeongguk decided to cooperate with all of these ridiculous lessons Taehyung had planned out. In order to make them a bit more bearable, Jeongguk had tried to drop a hint or two that he maybe had a desire for them to get closer... Maybe something more than this awkward relationship they already had. With each lesson, Jeongguk's hints became less and less subtle. In fact, in hindsight it seemed it went from 1 to 100 overnight.

Lesson One: Posture.

Taehyung was persistent in making sure Jeongguk took on the posture of a Prince, and soon-to-be-King. That meant no more slouching, no elbows on the dinner table, head held high, no slumped shoulders with hands shoved in pockets.

Basically Jeongguk had to change everything about how he stood and sat.

"It's uncomfortable." Jeongguk complained as Taehyung gently pushed a hand between Jeongguk's shoulder blades to get rid of his slouch.

"It won't be once you get used to it. Now sit up." Taehyung said and removed his hand. Jeongguk kept it to himself but he kind of didn't want Taehyung to move his hand? It was warm... Jeongguk liked that warmth.

"You're really warm." Jeongguk remarked quietly, scooting over to sit closer to him. Taehyung smiled a little bit.

"Glad you think so." He chuckled quietly.

Lesson Two: Speak like a Prince.

Taehyung had compiled an entire list of words that Jeongguk had to stop saying. This list consisted of mostly curse words, but also a large portion of slang that had become part of Jeongguk's daily vocabulary.

Jeongguk sat with his arms crossed, scowling at the brunette that was dressed in his pajamas. This particular lesson was happening late at night since the day consisted of some last minute tutoring with Namjoon while Taehyung had some 'errands to run.'

Jeongguk didn't believe that, Taehyung was acting odd. He seemed very frantic when Jeongguk asked about their usual lesson time. The excuse of going out to run a personal errand seemed too panicked to be true... But he supposed it was none of his business.

Unfortunately, Yoongi and Jimin were both busy as well so the tutoring session Jeongguk had been putting off for quite some time had finally taken place.

"Is this really necessary?" Jeongguk grumbled from the bed, turning his head to look down at Taehyung, who sat on the floor.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Yes. And that reminds me- Prince's and King's do not question. Rather, they challenge. Try again."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and fixed his gaze back on the ceiling. "Fine. I don't think this is necessary at all. If anything, I find this very boring and I believe I could be sleeping instead." He rolled onto his side and gazed at him. "Rather than wasting time telling me what I should and shouldn't say, I think we could be... getting to know each other." He smiled gently. The feeling was foreign to him, smiling with such sincerity at someone. Jeongguk really did think Taehyung was cute and looked like the type of person that would be cuddly in bed. Jeongguk wasn't a touchy person in usual circumstances, but he was willing to make an exception for the insanely adorable boy that sat against his bedroom wall.

Taehyung nodded at him and stood. "Good. That's better." He smiled, and ignored the entire point Jeongguk had tried getting at.

Lesson Three: Attitude.

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