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Jeongguk followed Taehyung around the town, his hands fisted into the pockets of his denim jacket.
Taehyung was going in and out of stores, Never staying long and always saying something along the lines of 'not enough.'
What that meant? Jeongguk had no clue.

"What's the plan?" Jeongguk sighed, following Taehyung out of yet another store.

"To find you some better clothes." Taehyung mused. "Here- this store. Perfect." He stopped in front of a very expensive looking store, and then dragged Jeongguk in.

Jeongguk wrinkled his nose as he looked around. One of the employees noticed him immediately.

"Ah! Your Highness, what brings you in today?" The woman bowed in respect. Jeongguk was about to tell her it was no big deal but Taehyung began to speak before he could.

"Hello, miss. Prince Jeongguk and I are here to find him some new sets of clothes. Mind if we look around?" Taehyung smiled sweetly.

The woman beamed and nodded eagerly. "Oh, not at all. If you have any questions, let me know!"

"Thank you." Taehyung nodded and began to wander deeper into the store with Jeongguk in tow.

Jeongguk looked around and spotted a silky blue shirt. He grinned and picked out his size.
"How's this?"

Taehyung looked and his eyes lit up. "Perfect! It would go wonderfully with some black pants, perhaps a blazer."

"I'll go try it on." Jeongguk hummed and took it to a dressing room. Taehyung followed, eager to see the Prince willingly try on clothes that weren't typical street wear.

He waited outside while Jeongguk disappeared behind the curtain of the dressing room cubicle, thinking that maybe he had gotten through to Jeongguk just a bit. The smallest breakthrough was a victory, in his eyes.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, was taking this little shopping trip as an opportunity to make a move. He pulled the silky blue material over his head and tucked it in to the pair of pants he had grabbed. He hadn't noticed until he had gotten to the dressing room, but around the neck of the shirt hanger was a matching tie.

Jeongguk tied it around his neck so it loosely dangled down his chest. He fixed his hair, and then observed himself in the mirror.

"Hm. Not bad." He decided, a smirk tugging its way onto his lips.

It looked fancy, yet highly attractive in his opinion

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It looked fancy, yet highly attractive in his opinion. Just what he wanted.
He wanted to get Taehyung wrapped around his finger so that he can destroy his reputation in his parents eyes and get him sent home.

Was he a bit jealous of the attention Taehyung was receiving from his parents? Yes.
Was he being a bit too dramatic in his plan to ruin Taehyung? Maybe.

Not like it mattered.

"Jeongguk! Are you done?" Taehyung asked eagerly from outside the curtain. Jeongguk didn't respond and instead pulled the fabric aside.

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