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A/N: Here are Sunhee (first photo) and Minji (second photo), the two little girls mentioned in the chapter:

A/N: Here are Sunhee (first photo) and Minji (second photo), the two little girls mentioned in the chapter:

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k enjoy the chapter !

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Jeongguk stood at the head of the ballroom, which was lit with an extravagant set of priceless chandeliers. The room was filled with some of his extended family, the people of the town, the royal staff, and of course the Min's and the Kim's.

"Prince Jeongguk!"

A high-pitched squeal of his name caused the Prince to startle, but as soon as he laid eyes on the two girls he relaxed and his lips curved into an admirable smile. 

"M'ladies." He bowed, took each of their hands, and planted a kiss to their knuckles. "You both look marvelous."

The girls giggled, their cheeks turning an adorable pink.
"The Queen made them for us!"
"Yeah! I said we should be matching but Sunhee didn't want to. She wanted her dress to be white and boring." Minji crossed her arms and huffed.
Jeongguk couldn't help but a laugh a little and looked to the beaming toddler. 

"Why is that, Sunhee?"
"Because it looks like a pretty wedding dress!" She chirped, bouncing up on her toes with excitement.
"I see. Well don't go off getting married yet, because then who will have tea parties with me?" Jeongguk pushed out his lower lip into a pout. 
Sunhee giggled and nodded her head, her neat bangs bouncing with the movement. 

"You look so handsome, Prince Jeongguk!" Minji, the 9 year old, cut in. 

"Pretty!" Sunhee reached up and touched the velvet texture of Jeongguk's jacket.

"Not as pretty as you." Jeongguk teased and tapped the 5 year old's nose with his index finger, causing her to giggle contagiously. "So, ladies, I seem to have a problem." He crouched down on the balls of his feet so he was eye level with them. 

The girls' eyes widened, suddenly worried for their favorite Prince. 

"You see... I don't have anybody to dance with." He frowned. "And I don't know what to do!"

"We'll dance with you!" They both gasped, each of them grabbing one of his hands and running off into the crowd of people dancing to the band that played a selection of boring waltz music. His parents were way too old-fashioned...

"Give me a second. We need to get some better music." He brought them over the band with him, so they didn't get lost in the crowds of people, and leaned over towards one of the players. After whispering something in his ear and getting the message spread to the rest of the band, the music began to liven up. 

"What is this?" Minji asked, referring to the song.
"Ever heard of swing dancing?" Jeongguk chuckled.

Minji and Sunhee both shook their heads. 
"Well. You have now." He grinned and took their hands again. "So, let's dance, shall we?"

Both of the girls squealed with excitement as Jeongguk began to twirl them around and skip about the ballroom, occasionally letting go of one of their hands so he could pick the other up into the air and spin with them. He did this with both of them a few times throughout a couple of songs, dancing until Minji bumped into somebody's leg mid-twirl off to the side of the ballroom.

"Oh- I'm so sorry, mister!" She bowed, then looked up to see a pair of dark brown eyes gazing down at her. She stepped back and held onto Jeongguk's leg, with Sunhee standing beside his other.

"Oh. Hello, Prince Taehyung." Jeongguk sighed. "Sorry. We didn't see you there."

Taehyung quirked a brow and nodded, not really responding much to the situation. "May I talk to you privately, Prince Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk wanted to say no and take the girls back to dance, but he knew he had to make at least a decent impression. "Sure. We can dance some more later, alright?" He ruffled the girls' hair and sent them off. He watched them run off to dance some more by themselves with a fond smile, then directed his attention back to the bored looking boy in front of him. His smile faded. 

"So? What do you want?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I cannot believe you're seriously Prince Jeongguk." He muttered.
"Um. I'm sorry, what?" Jeongguk raised an eyebrow.

"You're so... un-Prince-like. I don't get it." Taehyung shook his head. "I'm all for having fun, believe me. But you and Yoongi don't seem to care that our parent's are depending on the three of us to maintain the Kingdom alliances."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "You sound like my dad."
"And? Your dad is right."

"Look, Taehyung. When I'm King, I'll worry about it. But since I won't be for a while I'm going to live my life. Maybe you should do the same." Jeongguk snorted, looking the uptight Prince up and down. 

Taehyung frowned. "Hmph. Unfortunately, neither of us can do that."
"What? Why-"

"Ah! Prince Jeongguk and Prince Taehyung! I see you're already getting to know each other. That's wonderful."

Jeongguk turned and saw Namjoon approaching them with his usual dimpled smile. 
"Hey, Joon." Jeongguk sighed.

"Prince Taehyung, have you already taken the liberty of explaining the situation to Prince Jeongguk yet?" Namjoon asked politely, and Taehyung shook his head. Jeongguk, on the other hand, looked curiously at his butler. 


"Your parents saw how well behaved Prince Taehyung was and had a conversation with the King and Queen of the Kim Kingdom. Prince Taehyung has completed all of his training and all of his courses needed to take over as King, and since you haven't even begun to look into it, we all decided it best if he spent a period of time here to help you along!" Namjoon smiled proudly.

Jeongguk's jaw dropped. "Who is we."
"Your mother and father, Prince Taehyung's mother and father, himself, and me." Namjoon shrugged. "He'll be taking up temporary residence in the guest room that's across from your room."

"When?" Jeongguk grit his teeth.

Taehyung smiled. "I believe I'll be starting next Sunday."
"Yes! Correct." Namjoon nodded.

Jeongguk couldn't believe what he was hearing, looking between the man he had thought to be his closest friend and the boy he had only just met, both beaming at him with disgustingly happy smiles. 

"Why?!" He glared.

Namjoon frowned. "Jeongguk, I've talked to you before about this. Your parents have tried, as well. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your actions, and learn to care about what is happening in your Kingdom!"

"And what about Yoongi?" Jeongguk scoffed. "Is he getting a live-in kiss-ass?"

"Manners, Jeongguk!" Namjoon snapped. Taehyung, however, simply frowned and took a tiny step back. "And that is not your business, understood? Now I expect you to welcome Taehyung, and be respectful and polite."

Jeongguk rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek and looked at Taehyung. "Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I have to go give a speech, now. See ya." He turned and walked away from the two males, face beginning to turn red with anger. 

"So... he hates me already?" Taehyung bit his lip, looking at Namjoon. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no. Not at all, sir." Namjoon shook his head. "He's just temperamental when things don't go his way. He's a tad bit... spoiled, shall I say. He'll be bratty but he'll warm up to you, I'm sure." 

Taehyung looked down. "I hope so."

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