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anyways lets carry on

Jeongguk thought he would be sad when Jimin finally moved away from the Kingdom.

To an extent, he sort of was. Jimin was his best friend and now there was going to be more distance between them than either of them were used to.

It was about a two hour drive between the Min and the Jeon (soon to be Jeon-Kim) Kingdom, and it was astounding to everyone that Yoongi would even consider to make that trip every few days just to see Jimin.

"You're a love-sick puppy." Jeongguk would tease, to which Yoongi would roll his eyes and grumble an inaudible response.

Jeongguk didn't have the time to make that trip much, so yeah, he was kind of sad when Jimin showed up at the palace with a backpack stuffed full of miscellaneous belongings and a suitcase of clothes sitting behind him.

"I came to say my goodbyes before Yoongi picks me up." Jimin smiled, although it had been clear he was trying not to cry as well.

Jeongguk did his best to hide his own emotions. "A suitcase and a backpack? I saw your apartment countless times, are you sure that's everything?" He chuckled.

Jimin folded his arms. "Everything else has already been moved. This has been in-process for almost a month, you know that, you dummy."

"Hm. Perhaps I do, perhaps I don't." Jeongguk smiled smugly and then looked around the foyer. When he finally looked back at Jimin, Jimin was nervously chewing on his lip and looking around as well. Neither of them had really done a goodbye like this, before.

Jeongguk inhaled tightly. "So you're really leaving, aren't you. Wow." He exhaled. Jimin nodded quietly and fiddled with one of the straps of his backpack. "I can't believe you're moving in with Oscar the Grouch."

"Jeongguk!" Jimin hit his shoulder with a playful scowl.

"Sorry, sorry." The young King laughed, flinching away from his friend's hand. "But seriously, wow."

"I know." Jimin folded his arms again and looked at the floor. "But, we'll be back in a few weeks, and I'll tell you everything about living in the Min's palace." He hummed.

"Everything?" Jeongguk teased, earning another smack from Jimin. "Why in a few weeks? Gonna miss me that much?"

Jimin stared at him. He grabbed Jeongguk's wrist and pulled his hand up between them, raising an eyebrow. "This?"

"That's my hand- Oh." Jeongguk stared at his own decorated ring finger. His fingers were always decked out with some rings, but the glittering silver band contrasted from the darker colored rings on the other fingers. "That's- Holy shit, that soon?"

"The official ceremony is on the 17th." Jimin nodded and let go of his wrist, but Jeongguk kept his hand up as he stared at the unique piece of jewelry.

"Wow." Was all Jeongguk managed to say. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone, sighing.

"Yoongi is here. I... I guess I should go." He cleared his throat and opened his arms for a hug.

Jeongguk lowered his hand and stared at him for a moment. He nodded and hugged his best friend tightly. "So this is it."

"Mhm." Jimin nodded. "Yoongi would come in but... you know how he is."

Jeongguk let Jimin go gradually and nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I do..." He shoved his hands into his sweats. "Do you want me to call Tae down? I'm sure he'd-"

Jimin cut him off. "I said goodbye to him last night, actually. He knew you'd need this moment so... it's fine. Don't worry." He smiled, tears beginning to brim in his eyes. Jeongguk felt them in his own, as well. "I know I've never really said this much but I'm really proud of you, Ggukie. Really proud."

Jeongguk swallowed the growing lump in his throat only to feel it begin to reappear. "I- And I know I don't say this enough but... I love you? Not in like a weird way, but-"

"I get it." Jimin laughed quietly. "I love you too." He ran a hand through his hair before picking up his suitcase. "So... I guess- See ya."

"Yeah- See ya." Jeongguk bit down on his shaking lower lip, fists clenching in the pockets of his sweatpants.

There weren't anymore words exchanged as Jimin left, the large door shutting behind him and the foyer filling with an uncomfortable silence.

Jeongguk closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly together as he tried to steady his breathing. He was a King, now. He shouldn't stand here in the middle of an empty foyer and cry over his best friend moving- but he was.

He felt a pair of arms around his waist from behind and he turned around to see Taehyung silently resting his head on Jeongguk's shoulder. Jeongguk turned his body fully and pulled him in tight.

"Hey." Taehyung murmured. "It's okay."

Jeongguk said nothing. He didn't need to. By the way that he held Taehyung in his arms tightly and kept his head ducked into the crook of Taehyungs neck, it was obvious that he was thankful for a shoulder to (literally) cry on.

All he needed was someone that would just hug him and not judge him; someone who wasn't going to tell him to suck it up and man-up. He needed Taehyung.

"Seokjin has some food options for us to look over, do you want to do that now? We can wait if you want." He said quietly, running a hand through Jeongguk's soft hair.

Jeongguk lifted his head and smiled. "No, we can do it now." He kissed Taehyung's forehead. "God... just a couple more weeks..."

Taehyung laughed quietly and pulled out of his arms, then grabbed his hand in his own. "Mhm. But we need to go review our menu before Seokjin gives up on us. He's been trying to get us to do this for a while, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Jeongguk shook his head with a soft smile and followed Taehyung out of the foyer.

dw y'all will get a proposal recap next chapter, i'm not skipping that cute shit just like that

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