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The weather the next morning could only be described as perfect. 

The sun had risen by the time the town gathered for the official ceremony, looming above the trees and rooftops. Birds were chirping happily as if they, too, were cheering Jeongguk on. 

Jeongguk stood  at the very center of the town with both of his parents standing by his side. Everyone in the Kingdom had come to witness the moment, and even a few from other Kingdom had traveled to see as well. The three of them were surrounded by the eager audience. 

His father was in the midst of giving a speech before he passed the crown on, so Jeongguk had taken a slight step back. 

Truth be told, Jeongguk had sort of managed to zone out. He and Taehyung were up super late with each other, talking for hours and catching up, that he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. 

"As Jeongguk takes this momentous step in his life, I would like to not only congratulate him, but also apologize." 

Jeongguk's attention had zeroed in on his father, not missing the somewhat sad smile. 

"I let my duties as King surpass my duties as your father, and as a result pushed too hard and pushed you away. I can only hope that as I step down from my position that I can make up for the lost time. I may not have showed it, but I love you, son." 

"Dad..." Jeongguk started but trailed off. He took a few steps to close the distance between them as he hugged his father, nodding. "I love you too, dad."

His father gave Jeongguk a firm pat on the back and pulled away. "Now the moment everyone is here to see," He began and reached for the crown that was sitting on his head. "I believe this belongs to you, now. I crown you now as King Jeon Jeongguk." 

Jeongguk's father turned to face the bulk of the crowd and gestured to Jeongguk as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. 

At the very front were Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jiyeon, Minji, Sunhee, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Taehyung.

All Jeongguk saw was Taehyung, with his beaming smile and sparkling eyes as he applauded cheerfully. The sight made Jeongguk's heart swell. 

He stepped forward with the crown now on his head and smiled warmly at the people cheering all around him. 

"I guess I gotta give a speech now, huh?" He joked, earning laughter from the crowd. "For starters, I need to thank everyone that's helped me to this point in the last couple of month. My mom and dad, although a bit rough at times, did their best and that's the most anyone could ask for, I think. And then Namjoon, thank you for listening to me complain and grumble about the dumbest things. Without you I might have gone insane."

Namjoon chuckled from his spot up front and gave a nod to Jeongguk. 

"Park Jimin, my best friend." Jeongguk made eye contact with a slightly emotional Jimin. "Thank you for staying by my side through everything. We've had some moments but you will always be my best friend. I couldn't have made it here without you."

His gaze moved to Yoongi. 

"Prince Min Yoongi." He grinned, and Yoongi gave him a half-hearted scowl. "Thanks for balancing me out. Take good care of Jimin, too."

"Already doing it." Yoongi called up, earning more laughter from the crowd. 

The speech continued with various thank you's, some stories to go along with them, until he got to Taehyung, who he saved for last. 

"And last, but certainly not least... Prince Kim Taehyung." Jeongguk smiled tenderly at the boy who he had fallen so hard for in a matter of weeks, only months ago. "Coaching me along with this whole King thing was no easy task. I was such a jerk to you and you only tried harder. I swear if you weren't so stubborn, I'd still be the same old lazy Prince. Now I'm only a lazy-when-I-can-afford-it King." He joked and waited for the chuckles to die down before speaking again. "When I first met you I never imagined that I would fall so undeniably in love with you. We may belong to separate Kingdoms, but I can promise you right now that I won't let that change a thing. Ever."

His gaze remained steadily locked with Taehyung's and Taehyung nodded with a beaming smile. He looked like he was resisting the urge to run up there and engulf Jeongguk in a hug, but Jeongguk was having none of that. 

Neither was Yoongi. 

"Oh, get your ass up there." Yoongi pushed Taehyung a bit and that was all he needed to race on up to Jeongguk, who welcomed him with open arms and a happy kiss. 

There were mixed reactions from the crowd, but they were all positive. 

"I'm so proud of you, Ggukie." Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk hugged him tighter, uttering a quiet 'thank you' in response. 

The day was truly beautiful; one that everyone would remember. 

There was another celebration at the palace after the ceremony had ended but Jeongguk and Taehyung weren't present. 

Well, technically they were. They were just up on the roof, sitting together in the warmth of the sun. All Jeongguk really wanted right now was Taehyung's company; nothing else. Taehyung was all he needed.

aight short chapter and a bit boring, but o well 

also? it's April 14th and??? there's 3 inches of snow outside??? and we're in the middle of a nasty snow storm too lol wtf MN

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