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i'm picking random dates & ages, you guys, so if it doesn't make sense in terms of timeline (which a coherent one is non-existent in this story bc I s u c k) pls hang with me here

Yoongi and Jimin had picked a wedding date (surprise) long before they got engaged. When Jeongguk learned about that, he almost laughed, because Yoongi? Picking out a wedding date before even getting a ring? That was a bit out of character, wasn't it? Now the keyword was almost, meaning that Yoongi shot him a very knowing glare. 

With that, he held in his laughter. 

They announced the wedding date, March 14th, about two months prior and at the time everybody was thrilled. Everyone is still thrilled, however Jimin was a little less-so given the realization that the wedding was now taking place almost a month after the death of Jeongguk's father. 

He insisted to Jeongguk that both him and Yoongi would be alright with postponing for the sake of mourning, but Jeongguk refused. He refused to let anything get in the way of what was supposed to be an absolutely beautiful, joyful day for his best friends. Jimin and Yoongi both attempted to talk to Jeongguk multiple times but each time Jeongguk insisted they keep the date as scheduled. 
Whether that was a good or bad idea, they couldn't really tell. 

"You know, if my dad were here, he'd be so proud. I know he didn't exactly like you much at first but you were kind of like another son to him." 

"I know, Jeongguk."

"And- Y'know, I bet he would have been right up front. He probably would have stood up and applauded, too." 

"Yeah, he probably would have, Jeongguk."

"I could only imagine what he would have gotten you for a gift... Maybe something like he got for Tae and I, y'know the super nice China set?"

"I wonder." Jimin sighed, although he was smiling fondly as he allowed his best friend to continue his rambling in the back of the room, lounging comfortably on a couch while Jimin fixed his hair. 

There was a moment of silence and Jimin figured Jeongguk had ceased his train of thought finally, but the shaky sigh told him otherwise. 

"Sometimes I wish I appreciated him more, y'know?" Jeongguk's voice softened. "I remember I asked him to get me a car for my 16th birthday and he refused because he hated them- you know that. Something about preserving the Kingdom's environment and 'there's no need for them' or something." 

Jimin turned around in his chair, swiveling his legs over so he was straddling the back and fully facing Jeongguk. The latter's gaze remained fixed on the ceiling. 

"Sometimes we don't know what we have until it's gone..." Jimin said gently. 

Jeongguk's gaze didn't shift from where it was fixated, but his eyes narrowed a bit. "I used to think that phrase was bullshit." He mumbled. "Until now, I guess..." He forced himself to sit up and rested his elbows on his knees, fingers woven together and gaze now set on the carpet. 

Jimin stood from his chair and walked over to him, sitting beside him and putting a hand on his back. "Gguk, are you sure you want to do this today? I totally understand, so would Yoongi."

Jeongguk stared at him suddenly, eyes wide. "Then who the hell would be Yoongi's best man?" 

Jimin smiled. "Taehyung could step in, he said he's probably second closest to Yoongi, and-"

"No." Jeongguk frowned. "I'm not letting that dumbass take my spot in my best friends wedding, and that's final." He stood up and crossed his arms stubbornly. 

Jimin's face twisted into amusement, eyes moving to the door that was just behind Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk was about to ask what he was looking so goofy about, but he felt a pair of all-too familiar arms wrap around him from behind and a chin rested on his shoulder. 

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