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Jeongguk did in fact cry that day. In fact, he spent the rest of that day in his room, denying any requests to enter, and then cried himself to sleep later that evening. 

He wasn't the kind of person to cry a lot, in fact he rarely did it, but in the rare occasions that he did it was bad. It was exhausting and tolling.

His body ached and his head throbbed, his throat was scratchy, his eyes stung. All round, Jeongguk felt like a piece of shit.

Usually this was caused by something incredibly childish. Last time he cried like this, he was maybe 11 and his parents made him get rid of a stray dog he had brought home.

This time hurt worse than having to give up a dog he had only had for 4 hours. This was even more personal.
The lanterns were the only thing Jeongguk looked forward to every year. That was the only night he could sit in peace with his parents and not have to worry about anything else except existing in the moment.

And now that was being taken away from him too.

"Prince Jeongguk? May I enter?"

Jeongguk lifted his head from his pillow, his eyes lidded, hair messy over his face and his features puffy from sleep and hours of sobbing into his bed.

"Sure." He muttered and flopped back down onto his pillow, not even caring who it was that requested entrance. He knew it was Namjoon. Namjoon usually just walked right in or knocked, he never really asked.

It didn't sound like Taehyung, either.

"I hope I'm not intruding." The voice said, and Jeongguk still didn't bother to look. "My name is Jung Hoseok. I'm Taehyung's personal butler, I am accompanying him as he stays with you and your family."

"Mhm." Jeongguk hummed and rolled onto his side to look at the man, seeing a cheery looking man with a smile that could probably replace the sun itself and pale orange hair. "What do you want?"

Hoseok's smile faltered a little bit. "Ah, well. You see, Prince Je-"
"Just Jeongguk. Please." Jeongguk stopped him. "I'm getting tired of hearing 'Prince.'"

Hoseok nodded respectfully. "Of course. Well, Jeongguk, Taehyung requests your presence in his room. He'd like to speak with you."

Jeongguk held back the urge to roll his eyes. "Alright. I'll be over there in a bit." He mumbled and rolled off of his bed. "You can go."

Hoseok bowed his head and left the room, closing the door behind him gently. Jeongguk groaned out loud as soon as he left.

The last person he wanted to see was Taehyung right now, but he figured that this was a good opportunity to keep his plan in motion.

Speaking of which...

Taehyung was basically the reason his parents were blowing off the lantern release event, and that thought turned Jeongguk's pain into resentment... Now he wanted nothing more than to see Taehyung crash and burn.

Every thing was just fine until that little weasel showed up.

So Jeongguk dressed in a plain black tee shirt and some baggy ripped jeans, then padded over to Taehyung's room. He didn't even knock on the door, he just went right on in. This was his home after all.

"Hoseok- Ah! Jeongguk, knock!" Taehyung shrieked, scrambling to cover himself with the towel he had just begun to take off his waist. "Get out! I'm not decent!"

Jeongguk stood there for a moment, processing what he was seeing. A fully naked Prince Taehyung fresh from the shower?

The raven haired male couldn't help but grin, letting his dark eyes wander the other boy's poorly hidden body.

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