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"You're going to what and why?" Jimin almost did a spit take after Jeongguk finished explaining his 'master plan' to the two boys across from him.

Jeongguk looked around the quiet pub a bit hesitantly. It was almost midnight, so not many people were hanging around, and not many people really cared about other people's business. But the fact the Prince of their home Kingdom was sitting just feet away from them with an empty beer glass plotting with his best friends to ruin the reputation of another Prince was a bit too scandalous.

"Were you not listening?" He hissed.

"No, I heard everything. I just- I don't understand." Jimin shook his head. Yoongi, who sat beside him, nodded a bit.

"Yeah, neither do I, Kook."

Jeongguk scowled more and stared into his empty glass.

"Of course not." He muttered. "Neither of you are being replaced by some kiss-ass Prince."

Jimin frowned, giving Jeongguk a pitiful look.

"You're not being replaced..." Yoongi sighed, sipping his beer.

Jeongguk scoffed. "Says you! Your parents have actually told you they love you and that they're proud of you no matter what the fuck you end up doing. Mine are so disappointed in me that they may as well just disown me and adopt Taehyung!" He laughed bitterly and raised a hand to get the attention of a staff member. "Can I get another beer, please?"

Yoongi grabbed his hand, giving him a look. "Hold on, man. You know how you get when you're drunk." He looked at the waitress and shook his head apologetically to cancel out Jeongguk's request.
Jeongguk pulled his hand away. "I'm not going to get drunk, chill." He grumbled, but left it at that.

There was silence among the three of them until Jimin spoke up.
"We won't replace you." He said quietly, his voice coming out a bit timid. Jeongguk smiled a little bit.

"Thanks, Chim." He mumbled and stood, grabbing his coat off the back of his chair. "I need to get back before Namjoon comes to find me again. Sorry for being such a whiny headass tonight."

Yoongi shook his head, waving a hand. "Nah, man. You're justified. Just let us know if you ever want to get away for a bit, okay?"

Jeongguk nodded, said his goodbye's, then left the pub.

Thankfully when he got back, the palace was completely silent. Almost, that is.

He heard some quiet sniffles down the main corridor that was on the first level, down where the staff quarters were. He frowned, a bit concerned, and peeked his head in.

Minji was pacing around the hallway, dressed in a purple night gown and a stuffed horse clutched to her chest as she whimpered.

"Minji?" Jeongguk murmured, approaching the distressed girl. "What's wrong?"

Minji looked up with glassy eyes, saying nothing but her eyes said it all.

She had bad dreams a lot, and when her parents weren't awake to comfort her, she would sneak into Jeongguk's room. He didn't mind. Minji and Sunhee had become little sisters to him.

"Do you want to come sleep in my bed with me tonight?" He offered, kneeling down to her level and petting her hair comfortingly.

Minji nodded silently, opening her arms for him to pick her up. He did so, and she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Jeongguk carried her upstairs and set her on his bed.

"Do you want any water?" He asked. Minji shook her head and laid down, snuggling with her stuffed animall.

"No. Thank you, Kookie." She whispered, her voice hoarse and quiet. Jeongguk nodded and tucked her in.

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