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I've never asked this but a lot of people say they like my writing style. Describe what that is/why that is?? Idk I've never really thought about it and I'm curious~

Anyways, there are two chapters left. Wow, I can't believe it.

Yoongi and Jimin saw Jeongguk and Taehyung off the following evening. As much as they all wished their stay could have been longer, there was still business to tend for both of the couples.

While the high of being newly-wed was still running through Jimin's system, he was still exhausted. All of that socializing, planning, excitement, and interaction really took it out of him. He really just wanted to go to bed early but Yoongi seemed to have other plans.

"Um, what's this?"

Jimin stared at the two fully packed suitcases sitting on the bed, confusion written all over his features as he watched Yoongi throw a third, smaller duffle bag onto the bed as well.

"Luggage." Yoongi replied as if it were obvious. Well, it was clearly luggage but Jimin wanted to know what it was for.

Jimin gave him a look that prompted a continuation of the answer, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms.

Yoongi didn't seem to catch it.

"Do you know if we have sunscreen at all? Or should we stop at get some?" He asked nonchalantly, making Jimin even more perplexed.

He furrowed his brows together. "Um... there should be some in the cabinets above the bathroom sink? What do you need sunscreen for?" Jimin approached the bed and sat on the edge, opposite of his husband.

"I don't need it." Yoongi laughed lightly as he disappeared into the master bathroom. Jimin heard some rustling, the sound of some items being shuffled around, the cabinet closing and then saw Yoongi emerging with the sunscreen. "You do, sweetheart. You burn easier than marshmallows."

"That's..." Jimin blinked. " odd analogy, but I suppose that isn't wrong... But why do I need sunscreen? Where are we going?"

Yoongi sighed and sat down by the three bags. "Do you really want to know?"

Jimin stared at him, silent. Yoongi took that as a yes.

"A cruise." Yoongi shrugged, stood up, and resumed to throw things into a fourth duffle bag. "Okay, so do you want just one hoodie or a couple? Crusies can be a bit chilly in the evenings and I want to-"

"A cruise? Where? When? How-"

"Yes, a cruise. Where? Don't remember the exact port name, but it's in Japan. Nothing too crazy." Jimin disagreed. "Cruise leaves tomorrow afternoon. How; I think you know that one, but family connections and having the means to do it."

Jimin scoffed in disbelief. In no way was he angry about this, but he was just so taken off guard. Ten minutes ago he was helping the maid clean up Jeongguk's and Taehyung's guest bedroom, and now he was being told he was going on cruise in under 24 hours. He never took Yoongi to be one for surprises.

"A cruise to Japan?  But Yoongi-"

"It's all paid for and covered. I've got it all planned out." Yoongi cut him off. He sat back on the bed again and leaned over to kiss Jimin's cheek. "All you need to do is enjoy our honeymoon, and keep that delicate skin of yours from burning to a crisp. Understood, darling?" He hummed, taking Jimin's hand in his own.

Jimin almost choked. "Honeymoon- Are you serious?"

Yoongi nodded. "Jeongguk mentioned you've always wanted to go to Japan but you've never had the chance. Why not go now?"

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