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"Another, please." 

A fist slammed an empty glass onto the bar, startling the bored bar tender. 

"Another? Prince Jeongguk, sir, that was your third glass." The man smiled sheepishly. "Is there something on your mind you'd like to talk about instead?"

Jeongguk glared up at the man from his slumped position, eyes dark and full of fire. "If I came here to talk, I'd be talking." He grit his teeth. "I'd like another beer. Please."

The bartender swallowed thickly, staring at the young Prince in bewilderment but he began to oblige his request nonetheless. 

Jeongguk put his head down on the top of the bar table, letting out an inaudible groan of frustration. He had come here to just numb himself up a bit, not intending to get himself drunk, but yet here he was. A bit buzzed, angry, broken, and overall a complete mess. 

"Jeongguk? What do you think you're doing?" A sharp voice caused the young Prince to jolt upwards and whip his head to look behind him.

There stood the royal chef himself, a bag of groceries in one arm. 

"For Christ's sake, Jin. I'm not in the mood for you to treat me like a child, too." Jeongguk snapped, sounding very harsh in hopes that Seokjin would just leave. "How long have you been standing there, anyways?"

"Long enough." Seokjin glared.

"Since when was the royal chef supposed to be a fucking stalker." Jeongguk snarled. "Seriously, just leave me alone."

A small squeak caught his attention, and that's when Jeongguk realized his mistake. He didn't notice the smaller hand being securely held in Seokjin's free hand. The boy's eyes followed the arm that was connected to the hand, which led him to see who the small person was.


All sense of anger and hurt washed out of Jeongguk's features immediately, replaced with guilt and concern. 

"Jungkookie?" She frowned, tilting her head slowly. "Why are you drinking all of that apple juice?"

Jeongguk looked to see the bartender had set a full glass of beer beside him and realize that in a child's eyes, it probably did look like apple juice. 

"Ah, I'm- just really thirsty, Minji." Jeongguk lied, trying not to grimace under Seokjin's hard gaze. 

"Prince Jeongguk... Little Miss Minji and I were out running errands and we saw you through the pub window." Seokjin's jaw was clenched tightly, clearly holding back the urge to scold him in front of the small girl that was accompanying him. 

"Oh." Jeongguk's lips formed a straight line. He got up from his bar stool and tried not to stagger as he walked towards them. 

Minji stepped away a little bit, her innocent eyes wide with worry and uncertainty. This wasn't the Jeongguk she had ever known. This Jeongguk looked sad and distraught, not the happy and sweet Prince she would dance with in the palace halls. 

"Jinnie, I'm scared." Minji whispered, stepping behind Jin's leg and her other hand clutching the fabric of his jeans. 

Well, that broke Jeongguk's heart. 

"It's just Jungkookie, Minji. He's not gonna hurt you." Seokjin sighed. "Do you want to go home?"
Minji whimpered out a hum of confirmation. 

Jeongguk watched her begin to tug Seokjin towards the exit and with each tug, he felt his throat close. 

"See you at home, Jeongguk." Soekjin's voice was cold as the two of them left him standing there like a fool, body shaking and his fists tightening. 

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