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Being engaged was a wild ride in and of itself. It doesn't really feel like real life, not for Jeongguk at least.

When you're engaged, there's that little buzz of excitement and nerves that just never seems to go away. Jeongguk could be brushing his teeth, signing papers, or eating a piece of toast- the only thought that constantly hung in his mind was 'I'm getting married.' 

Not only that but getting married so damn young, too. 

He supposed it was true what they said. When you found 'the one,' you'll know. 

Jeongguk looked up from his phone to glance over at the other side of the bed, smiling a bit when he saw it was empty (just like it had been when he glanced over ten minutes ago).

The wedding was tomorrow morning, being held at a small venue to keep it close and intimate. As much as Jeongguk loved the Kingdom, he didn't really want his wedding to be completely public. Perhaps they'd hold a public celebration at a later date. 

Taehyung was superstitious, Jeongguk had realized, about the whole not being able to see each other until the actual ceremony thing. 
"It's bad luck, Gguk!" He had aruged and Jeongguk didn't see any point in arguing back. Instead he let him be whisked away from the palace for the evening. 

Taehyung was staying in a hotel room that Yoongi and Jimin had gotten for him. Those two had one of their own just across the hall, but something told Jeongguk that Jimin would probably spend most of the evening gushing to Taehyung about the past few weeks. 

Jeongguk put his phone down and stared at the ceiling, running his vows through his head for the umpteenth time that night. 

He closed his eyes and envisioned the wedding in his mind. 

He could see Namjoon standing next to him as his Best Man, and Hoseok standing proudly as Taehyung's. 

He could see Jimin teasing Yoongi for getting emotional during the ceremony at the reception, and Yoongi teasing him about his own tears. 

He could see his mother and father sitting at the very front with Taehyung's parents. Wow, did that mean a lot. The biggest reason Jeongguk pushed to have the wedding so soon after being engaged was to be sure that his father was there to see it. 

Jeongguk knew that his father would be proud to see him up there, not only happily marrying the love of his life, but also making history. Taehyung and Jeongguk were the first pair of Kings in the region.

"I'm marrying Jeon Jeongguk." Taehyung said for the thousandth time that night. 

Jimin threw a pillow at him from the other bed in the hotel room with an eye roll. "I got it the third time." He replied. "Snap out of it."

Taehyung grabbed the pillow Jimin had just thrown at him and hugged it into his lap. "Sorry, it's just- Wow, y'know? I bet that you'd be the same when you and Yoongi get married."

Jimin blushed a little. "Tae, we haven't even talked about that yet-"

"Maybe he hasn't with you." Taehyung grinned slyly, finally peeling his eyes away from the wall. 

"Has he talked to you about it?" Jimin perked up, almost too excited. Taehyung made a zipping motion over his pressed together lips and smiled innocently, earning a grunt from his friend. "You're no fun."

Taehyung shrugged, the mischievous glint not leaving his eyes. He looked at the ceiling and laid his head back. 

"Whatever." He hummed and narrowed his eyes a little in thought. "I still can't-"

"Believe you're marrying King Jeon Jeongguk, wow, it's almost like I've heard you say that before." Jimin sighed. "But it is a bit funny. I never expected he'd actually confess to crushing on you in the first place, now here he is about to marry you. They grow up so fast." He pretended to wipe away a tear and put a hand over his heart. 

"I never expected him to be such a softie when I first met him." Taehyung mused in agreement. "Just like he never expected me to be either. Speaking of which, I never asked. What did you think when you first met me?" He rolled onto his side to face Jimin.

Jimin pretended to think. "Hm." He put a finger to his chin. "I thought you were pretty stuck up, to be honest."

It was Taehyung's turn to throw a pillow this time.


After everything he had run through his head the night before, the one thing Jeongguk couldn't imagine was Taehyung actually standing in front of him. Not that he thought Taehyung would get cold feet and ditch, but he didn't expect him to look so completely ethereal in that moment. 

Taehyung thought the same when he saw Jeongguk. 

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That moment when they stood in front of each other and locked eyes for the first time in what felt like a century

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That moment when they stood in front of each other and locked eyes for the first time in what felt like a century. 

"Hey." Jeongguk mouthed and Taehyung smiled. 

"Hi." Taehyung whispered under his breath and looked at the man that stood slightly between them with a smile pulled across his face. 

It was Yoongi's father, King Min. 

Jeongguk's father didn't have the strength to be the one to ordain the marriage, but thankfully Yoongi's father was more than willing. They would have asked King Kim to do it, but Taehyung said he'd feel weird having his father ordain his marriage. 

"Are you boys ready?" King Min murmured loud enough just for the two in front of him to hear. 

Jeongguk and Taehyung exchanged glances before nodding. This was what they had been preparing for for weeks. 

And so the ceremony began. 

King Min did his part, allowed the two to exchange their vows (Jeongguk almost forgot half of his being the nervous wreck he is) and 'I do's, and officially announced them to be husbands. 

Jeongguk remembered the overwhelming look of happiness of Taehyung's face when they finally broke apart from their first kiss as a married couple. 

He wanted to cherish that look forever. 

this is short sry lol 

but hey hey hey guess who got P1 (Sec. 101, Row 10!) tickets for BTS LA sept. 8th. ;)) I'm still super shocked that I got them wowie oh man but I am so excited omfg

Best of luck to those still trying to get tickets for the shows!! If you can't or aren't going, don't feel too bad <3 you'll go someday!

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