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It had been almost three and a half months since Taehyung had stopped writing, which Jeongguk assumed was due to now being overseas. The young Prince had tried to write to him consistently, attempting an every other day schedule of sending out letter after letter in hopes Hoseok was keeping his word and collecting them for Taehyung. 

But during those two months, Jeongguk had become increasingly loaded with more work. His father insisted that he needed to gradually take on more responsibility to prepare himself for his future as a King. Those responsibilities required him to be awake at hours he never dreamed of being conscious at, working for long hours, attending dry meetings, reading and signing paperwork and documents, and going to sleep to do it all again the next day. 

So it was no surprise to the Queen when she saw her son slumped over his desk, asleep. Beneath his head and his folded arms was a letter that was only partially written and the pen was still loosely gripped in one of Jeongguk's hands. 

"Oh my..." She murmured quietly, approaching the sleeping boy and gently putting a hand on his back. "Jeongguk. Wake up, sweetheart." She cooed gently, her other hand lightly shaking his shoulder. 

Jeongguk lazily lifted his head and squinted a little bit in attempt to see the figure above him clearer. "Mom?" He mumbled tiredly. 

"Get in bed, Ggukie." She sat him up and guided him to his bed, where he immediately took comfort in the warmth of his blankets and pillows.

"Did you need something?" He yawned, fighting to stay awake. Jeongguk had to finish the letter before he went to bed. He hadn't sent a proper one in weeks. 

His mother smiled fondly at her son and shook her head. "It can wait until morning, dear. We'll talk at breakfast. Sleep, for now." She pulled the comforter over him and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'll tell your father to let you sleep in tomorrow."

Jeongguk muttered a 'thank you' and a 'goodnight', which were sort of slurred together in his tired state of being, as his mother turned the lights off and closed the door behind her as she left. 

- - -

"Yoongi!" Jimin sang from the other side of the bedroom door, sitting on the floor of the hallway. "Your parents said you were in your room, let me in!" 

When there was no answer, the male pouted and knocked a couple more times. "You better not be sleeping! Jeongguk is busy all the time and I'm bored!"

The large white doors opened, and unfortunately for Jimin he was sitting right down the center of the two doors and fell backwards. His head landed on Yoongi's foot, and he looked up at the boy that stared down at him. 

"Hi, Yoongs!" Jimin smiled and pulled himself to his feet, then looked over Yoongi's shoulder. He walked right past him and ventured into the large circular room, wandering to the windows. He peeled back the curtains on one of the windows and smiled. "Look at that view..." 

Yoongi walked up next to him and shrugged. "Eh... I see it everyday." He mumbled. "Close the curtains, please. I just woke up and the sun is actually blinding." He grumbled, walking away and collapsing back onto his elevated bed. 

Jimin followed him and knelt down on the steps, propping his arms up onto the mattress space beside Yoongi

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Jimin followed him and knelt down on the steps, propping his arms up onto the mattress space beside Yoongi. 

"It's 10 am, you sleepyhead. Get up!" He poked Yoongi's arm, earning a swat back. Regardless, Yoongi rolled over onto his back and beckoned Jimin to come closer, eyes half open. Jimin rolled his eyes and obliged, crawling up onto the bed and laying down next to him, resting his head on Yoongi's shouulder. "You and this bed." He teased quietly. 

"It's pretty much the only thing I like about this room." Yoongi mused, earning a bewildered look from his boyfriend. 

"Seriously? I know you hate the color scheme, but what about the windows? The other furniture?"

"All I need in a bedroom is a bed and a place for clothes. This has too much unnecessary stuff and too much space and- yeah, the color scheme. White and gold? No thanks." Yoongi shook his head. "Now if you'd like a larger bedroom with fancy furniture and a white and gold color scheme when we get a place together, then I'll happily go with it. But if it's just for me, I can do without."

Jimin smiled shyly. He always got a bit flustered anytime Yoongi mentioned things like that; moving out and living together. It had been something they had been tossing around every now and then, but Yoongi wasn't going to move out until he was certain he could. Being the only child of the Min's, he was due to inherit the throne sooner or later. 

Now granted there was no law that stated the King had to live in the palace, but Yoongi was hesitant to test that. It wasn't that he hated life in a royal home, there were just times where he felt too detached from the outside world. 

Jimin on the other hand wasn't opposed to living in either situation. He'd love to have Yoongi live with him in the Jeon Kingdom, but that was impossible. Having a royal member of the Min family living in an entirely different Kingdom was sure to cause some tension somewhere, and the two locations weren't exactly the most conveniently placed in terms of travel. He was willing to move to the town in the Min Kingdom and get Yoongi to live with him, though. 

But more than anything Jimin had always dreamed of living in a grand palace such as the Min's. Everything was so crisp and fresh looking, so modern yet so classic- not to mention its amazing view of the ocean. 

"So what did you come here for?" Yoongi hummed, fingers playing with Jimin's hair absentmindedly. It had become a bit of a habit on Yoongi's part, although Jimin definitely wasn't complaining. 

Jimin closed his eyes. "Jeongguk's mom said she and King Jeon are planning to have his coronation soon." He hummed. 

Yoongi stopped petting his lovers head and shot straight upright. "Jeongguk's coronation?!" He stared at Jimin, unsure if he was being teased or not. That couldn't be happening so soon, right?

Jimin nodded, sitting up on his elbows. "I know, right? He's apparently been doing exceptionally well with all the work and they think he's ready." 

Yoongi nodded. "Do you? You see him more than I do."

"Yeah. I do..." Jimin smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes that Yoongi didn't fail to see.

"What is it?" Yoongi frowned. 

Jimin sat up completely and scooted back to lean against the headboard of the bed. "Jeongguk's going to be a King pretty soon, and he's already busy enough right now as a Prince that he doesn't have time to see me at all. Plus he had Taehyung, so I don't know, I guess I'm just preparing myself to be knocked down on his priority list." He shrugged, picking up a toss pillow and resting it in his lap.

Yoongi shook his head. "That kid is a stubborn little fuck, Jimin. He might be a bit stressed at first, but once he gets the hang of things he'll make time for you as much as he can." He sat next to him. "And yeah he's got Taehyung, but you've got me and that never stopped you two from your antics." 

Jimin smiled a little, leaning into his arm. "I guess you're right." He hummed. "But... anyways. Yeah, so- they're planning his coronation for next month, somewhere around the 8th. Mark your calendar, Prince Min." He kissed Yoongi's cheek, knowing full well the name bothered the latter. 

Instead of grumbling, Yoongi simply looked at Jimin questioningly. "That's oddly specific. Why then?"

Jimin smiled giddily, like he knew the biggest secret in the world and was finally getting to spill the beans. 

"Because that's when a certain someone is supposed to be coming home..."

well well well what do we have here?

ah yes some yoonmin and evidence that your dear author is lacking motivation

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