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"Lesson number 25!" An annoyingly chipper tone of voice echoed throughout the foyer. "Don't be late to meals if you can help it!"

Jeongguk groaned as he shuffled after Taehyung through foyer and down the main hall, his slippers slapping against the floor with each shuffled step. His hair was sticking up in various directions from a long night spent suffocated in Taehyung's koala grip.

The lanterns had taken place almost exactly two weeks ago. Since then Jeongguk had finally decided to open up to Taehyung more, which had gone a bit further than intended. Jeongguk wasn't really sure what had changed inside of him, but instead of wanting to scream every time he was around Taehyung, his heart did back flips in his chest. He had awkwardly expressed his feelings maybe 4 or so days after the lanterns, and Taehyung, confident unlike Jeongguk, did the same.

So now they had been sharing a bed. Well, sort of? Jeongguk had just taken up the habit of hanging around with Taehyung until both of them fell asleep, usually in Jeongguk's bedroom.

And through the past nights, he had learned that Taehyung wasn't lying- he loved to snuggle.

So much so that he hugged Jeongguk like he was a large body pillow, but every time he had brought it up to the elder, Taehyung put the blame on him.

"You're so big and cuddly. And you're warm, too. And you're comfy, so it's your fault, really." Taehyung had shrugged. "Maybe if you don't want to be squeezed to death, then you should stop working out and lose some muscle. It'll make you less cuddly."

Yeah, thanks for the tip, Jeongguk had thought sarcastically.

Point being, though, that Taehyung cuddled a lot and Jeongguk still hadn't gotten used to it, so sleep was a bit of a struggle.

Now he could just, y'know, not share a bed with Taehyung but he kinda... didn't want to do that? He'd rather have the life squeezed out of him by a cute blonde boy than sleep alone.

"Are you listening to me, Jeongguk?" Taehyung stopped his fast-paced walking and scowled at the younger of the two.

Jeongguk raised a lazy brow. "It's 8:30 in the morning. How am I supposed to listen if I can hardly keep my eyes open." He yawned as he ran a hand through his messy hair. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Lesson number 26. Kings need to be up bright and early." He shook his head. "Now hurry up. Seokjin serves breakfast at 9."

"I know that, thank you very much."

"And yet you're never there on time."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "So? It's just as good reheated." He muttered, although that was a bit of a lie.

Taehyung snorted. "Right." He grabbed Jeongguk's forearm and started to drag him further down the hall, in the direction of the dining room. "We'll see about that."

Jeongguk groaned again, yet allowed himself to be dragged.

"But Tae-"

"Lesson number 27! Don't argue with the master!" Taehyung cut him off, earning a quiet laugh from Jeongguk.

"Master, eh?" He teased. "First roleplaying and now master?"

Taehyung scoffed. "You're really something, Jeongguk." He muttered, not even bothering to address his remark.

Jeongguk, although he knew Taehyung didn't mean it that way, continued to chuckle about it.

Finally Taehyung got Jeongguk to the dining room and sat down across from him, just in time for Seokjin to begin setting the table.

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