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"So why were they over here?" Taehyung asked later, once Jeongguk had returned after going to change clothes. 

Right now they were in the room where Jeongguk's family would sometimes gather for discussions or lounging. Taehyung was sitting on the couch on the right side of the room, facing Jeongguk who stood against the white grand piano. Jeongguk's gaze was fixed on the large chandelier dangling above them, watching how the light from the window reflected off the crystals and danced around the room.

 Jeongguk's gaze was fixed on the large chandelier dangling above them, watching how the light from the window reflected off the crystals and danced around the room

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Jeongguk shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Ah, just to talk about something. It's not a big deal now." He said awkwardly, resisting the urge to grimace. Truth be told, it still sort of stung deep down but at least now things were settled- for the most part, that is. Jeongguk was still planning to be a bit careful about his angst rants for a while now.

"Oh." Taehyung said, leaving it at that as if sensing Jeongguk's discomfort. 

"So, why were you and Jimin hanging out anyways?" It was Jeongguk's turn to ask questions, staring at the older now. Taehyung became visibly uncomfortable with the question, crossing one leg over the other and cupping his hands over his knee. 

"No reason. Just thought I could get to know your friends better." He forced a smile. Jeongguk could tell that much. The smile was much more... typical looking, it wasn't Taehyung's usual wide boxy smile. 

Taehyung looked away from Jeongguk and pursed his lips together a little bit, as if contemplating what to say next. "He's, uh, nice."


"Yeah. He's really nice..." Taehyung nodded and Jeongguk ticked his jaw. He withdrew his hands from his pockets and folded his arms. 

He tilted his head. "Do you think he's cute?"

"What?" Taehyung's face turned pink.

"Y'know. He's my best friend, I deserve to know if you're starting to develop feelings, don't I?" Jeongguk taunted, although the jealousy that crept up his throat was becoming hard to mask. To do more to hide it, he grinned wickedly and inched towards the vulnerable boy on the couch. He leaned forward, enjoying the way Taehyung's brown eyes widened in alarm and panic.

"Uh, Jeongguk-"

"Aw, c'mon. Can't you tell me?" He blinked his doe eyes, resting one hand on the arm rest of the couch and the other hand on the other side of Taehyung's lap, successfully trapping him between his arms. 

Taehyung couldn't help but stare into his eyes, mouth going dry and his mind racing. He began to panic at the proximity between the two of them. He felt like he was swimming in a cloud of Jeongguk's intoxicating cologne, in fact they were so close now that Taehyung thought he could even smell a hint of Jeongguk's shampoo.

"Do you like Jiminie?" Jeongguk cooed.

Taehyung shook his head wildly. "No! Of course not, Jeongguk. I'm just simply saying he's-"

"Good." Jeongguk then smiled and stood up straight, walking away a bit.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, now confused as his eyes followed Jeongguk's movements. "Good? Why?"

Jeongguk hadn't realized he had made his satisfaction with Taehyung's answer so known and internally cursed. "Ah- Cause, y'know. Yoongi is pretty intimidating when he's mad and I don't even want to think what he'd do if he found out you liked his boyfriend." 

Taehyung nodded, dropping it at that. 

There was an odd feeling in the air, a feeling that neither of the boys chose to acknowledge but couldn't deny was there. 

The two were definitely starting to get along, maybe more than they had both intended. Jeongguk hadn't even intended to so much as welcome Taehyung into his home, let alone into his heart

Jeongguk wrinkled his nose as soon as he had the thought and immediately shook his head, dismissing the thought. He hated thinking all of these cheesy, cutesy thoughts. It just wasn't normal for him and it made him very uncomfortable.

Taehyung on the other hand had always been a little bit of a hopeless romantic... although he'd never admit that. He loved the idea of falling head over heels in love and snuggling, and late night walks, and cute gifts and cute dates and cute everything... Maybe that was a bit unrealistic, since it was literally impossible for a relationship to be 100% perfect, but a boy could dream, couldn't he?

And so he was... dreaming about Jeongguk. Ugh, Jeongguk. He was everything Taehyung looked for in a partner... 

Jeongguk was spunky and spontaneous, he stood up for himself and didn't let anyone get the best of him, he was beyond stubborn, too. Yet underneath all that, he was just a big softy with a wonderful sense of humor and the most contagious laugh. Not to mention Taehyung was pretty sure his eyes were staring into his soul every time they made eye contact. Taehyung had started off pretty annoyed with Jeongguk's attitude, but over time he had grown to sort of adore it in a way.

"Oh, boys! I'm so glad I found you!" 

Both of the Prince's were startled from their individual trains of thought, rendering them with slightly shocked facial expressions. The Queen was standing at the door of the room, a smile on her face as per usual. 

"Oh, hey, mom." Jeongguk sighed and ran a hand through his hair slowly as he did so. Taehyung noticed and he could have sworn his heart did a back flip in his chest. Ugh. 

"Just wanted to remind you both that we'll be leaving for dinner with the Kim's at 5 o'clock sharp! Be ready to go!" She chirped. "And Jeongguk, honey, please have a good attitude. I know tonight is important to you, but-"

"I get it, mom." Jeongguk cut her off. "I understand." He forced a smile this time, and just as Jeongguk could tell for Taehyung, Taehyung could tell when Jeongguk's was fake as well. There was just something about how Jeongguk's eyes didn't crease like they usually did when he actually smiled... Or maybe Taehyung was over thinking this whole situation. 

"Wonderful. Oh, I'm just so excited!" She beamed as she left the room, leaving the two boys alone once again. 

Taehyung glanced awkwardly at Jeongguk. "Um, so... do you want to go around town for a bit maybe? Jimin recommended a little ice cream shop and I was thinking we could go try it."

"I've already been there." Jeongguk's voice was flat. "I'm going to go lay down for a bit. I didn't sleep much last night." 

Taehyung was about to respond but Jeongguk had already exited the room, leaving the room in a tense state. Very tense. 

He bit his lip and wanted to follow, but he let him be for now. This was difficult for Jeongguk, he had to remind himself of that.

wow i have not been on top of writing lately sry i suck

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