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Dear Jeongguk, 

I've been really scared to write you about this because I didn't know what to say. I'm always better with words face to face, not written down like this. That's why it's taken me so long to respond. I wish my parents would let our Kingdom be so technological like yours is! It seems like it'd be so much easier to communicate. Letters take too long. 

The other day I had a conversation with my parents about my future as King. It's coming up real soon, I guess. They want me to serve in the Kingdom's military for a while. My dad says 'a good King knows about the military. A great King has served for the military.' 

I don't know. He's right, I guess, but I don't want to go. That means I can't write you as often. Our military is currently overseas somewhere, so I'd need to be there with them. I have to go sometime in the next couple of months. I hope you aren't mad. 

Please keep writing me, though! Even when I'm gone! I'll tell Hoseok to collect them, and I'll read them when I return! 


PS: I really miss you. Sleeping by myself is really hard. I might be gone for a while, but please promise that you won't give up one me completely! Wait for me to come back, and then maybe we can be together again.

Jeongguk put the letter down on the bar and looked at Jimin, searching his face for a reaction. 

He had just read it aloud to Jimin for the sake of advice, but so far Jimin wasn't giving him much. There was a goofy grin on his face and Jeongguk rolled his eyes. 


"He's so into you! He begged you to keep writing even though he won't be reading it. That's sweet." Jimin cooed, taking the paper and reading over the letter again as Jeongguk groaned. 

"That's not the point! What do I do? Do I keep writing him or not?"

Jimin looked up from the paper, giving him an incredulous look. "Why the hell wouldn't you?"

"What if I write too much or not enough? What if I have nothing to write or if it's just boring? Or if he doesn't read them at all?" Jeongguk ran his hands through his hair. Jimin set the letter down and grabbed both of Jeongguk's hands, and brought them down to his lap to get his attention. 

"Jeon Jeongguk." He deadpanned. "This boy seriously likes you, dare I say loves you. You could write an essay on watching paint dry and he would read it from beginning to end. So yes, keep writing him!"

Jeongguk's cheeks reddened a little and he pulled his arms back. He grabbed his glass of water and sipped it slowly as he thought. 

"So... I should, huh?" He muttered, setting the glass down. "Fine. Okay, I will. On one condition."

Jimin nodded, awaiting the aforementioned condition to be given. 

"Come over and play chess with me!" Jeongguk begged. "Please? Namjoon is busy and everything is just so boring without Tae there!"

Jimin stood up. "Fine. I hate chess, but I'll play just this once, got it?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna... move my Queen- 3 steps diagonally to the left." 

Jeongguk stared at his orange haired friend from across the throne room as the staff member playing Jimin's Queen moved as told. 

"Jimin, you're leaving your King wide open." He cocked a brow. 

"Sh! Just take your turn." Jimin rolled his eyes. 

Jeongguk nodded and examined the 'board.' 

"Okay, I'm gonna move my King then." He eyed the position of some of Jimin's pieces, realizing the plan that was underway on Jimins end. "Seokjin, please move one step to the right."

Seokjin nodded and stepped over to the tile that was one to the right. "Aye-Aye, sir." 

Jeongguk sighed. "Jin, you're a King, not a sailor."

"Be glad I agreed to play on your team in the first place." Seokjin crossed his arms and waited for Jimins turn. 

Jimin then ordered his remaining Knight to move closer to Jeongguk's Queen, to which Jeongguk saw a full advantage. 

By removing his Knight, Jeongguk now had a clear shot at his King.

"Oh, wow." Jeongguk feigned concern as he rubbed his chin and scanned the board. "What can I do now?"

He looked at the little girl rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Oh lovely Queen Minji." He sang, catching the young girls attention. "You see the big bad King over there?" 

Jeongguk pointed over to where Yoongi, arms crossed and eyes elsewhere out of boredom, stood. (Jimin had forced him to come play before they left the pub earlier.)

"Mhm!" She nodded. 

Jeongguk smiled. "Go get him. I think he needs a hug." 

Minji beamed and ran across the designated board space to the bored man, throwing her arms around his legs and squeezing. Yoongi almost toppled over, clearly not expecting the small girl to run at him with such force. 

"And, checkmate!" Jeongguk hollered, clapping victoriously. "Good game, everyone! Return to your duties." He announced and all of the staff members left the room obediently. 

Minji left with her mom, but not without giving Jeongguk a tight hug first. Jeongguk smiled fondly as he watched her run off. 

"We should get going, too." Yoongi said. "I actually have royal duties today, believe it or not."

Jeongguk laughed lightly. "I find that hard to believe. I forget you're a prince sometime." He teased as Yoongi went in for the typical bro-hug.

"Yeah, yeah." Yoongi slapped his back a few times. "Take care, man. Ready to go Jimin?"

Jimin nodded, still visibly agitated over losing the chess game. He gave Jeongguk a hug regardless and left with a goodbye, hand in hand with Yoongi as they exited. 

Leaving Jeongguk all by himself. 

He sighed heavily to the completely empty throne room and sprawled out into his fathers throne. Damn, being alone sucked. 

No, being without Taehyung sucked more. Taehyung always managed to find the light in everything. Jeongguk missed that a lot. 

Jeongguk tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. 

"I'll wait for you, Tae." He murmured to no one in particular. "I'd wait a hundred years if I had to."

hi hi hi so, hate me all ya want, but currently I've been working on a BTS fic (not a ship fic) and I have 4 completed chapters plus a prologue and a short 'meet the main characters' part. It's a future dystopian super human AU sorta deal and I'm SUPER pumped about it but? if I posted the prologue and character part, would anyone check it out??? I don't think I'd post chapters for a while, I want to wrap this story up and then get a few more completed drafts under my belt on that one, but still! I want to get some feedback ah

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