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Keith's POV

All I can hear from my room is Lance and Pidge screaming at a video game. I groan in frustration and leave the room. The training room is a fair distance away so if i want to get away from the noise it would be in my best interest to go there.

I get up and leave my room, bayard in hand.

"Training sequence three."

The dummy whirs to life and we begin sparring.

And that's how the day started. How was I supposed to know that I'd end up in a galra prison cell? Alone, might I add. It's restraining, being locked in a cell. You have no sense of the time except that it's around 23:30, military time when you start getting tired. You get very small portions of food twice a day with a small cup of water (which I'm pretty sure isn't even water at this point). You also have plenty of time to think. My favorite topics are if the team is even bothering to look for me at this point and if I'll ever get out of here. It's been a month now. The odds of getting out are very slim.

A can is pushed through the bars of the cell. I wait until the guard turns around to rush over to the can. I rip off the top on my way back to the side wall and separate the portions in half. I put one half on the lid and slide it under the wall to the woman next door. She's pregnant and was brought in shortly after me. I give her half of my food everyday to help give her baby some kind of nutrients. I eat my food and put the can near the front. A cup is slid in. I take it and take a sip. My face scrunches up in disgust. When I first got here it actually tasted like water. Everyday, the taste gets further and further away from water. I'm pretty sure it's just a brainwashing tool at this point. Everyday, my brain gets fuzzier and fuzzier. Definitely a brain washing liquid. It wouldn't surprise me. Needless to say, I only drink what's necessary. I give the rest to the pregnant woman.

Something is hit against the bars. I look up to see the guard glaring at me. Shit. He saw.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I give no response.

"Answer me!"

Still nothing.

"Fine then! As you wish."

The guard opens the cell door and grabs me by the wrist. He pulls me up and slams me against the wall. "It was your turn anyway."

Shit. Not this again. I was just put through it yesterday. My thoughts are interrupted when the guard puts handcuffs on me and starts speaking into a walkie talkie type thing.

"We're bringing him in earlier today...Prisoner KP-7965...Yessir."

I'm violently pulled out of the cell and pushed down the hallway. After quite a few turns and a long walk down an even longer hallway, I get pushed into a room and strapped to a table that is leaning against the wall. I struggle against the restraints but I know it's pointless at this point. Still though, I won't give up on trying to get out.

Lance's POV

I jump up with a start. "Keith," I mumble. He's been gone for a month now. We're all starting to grow a bit worried. Hunk always makes extra food, just in case Keith were to arrive. Pidge is in their room all day, trying to find a way to track Keith down. Allura is more uptight and strict than usual. Shiro has grown emotionally distant. This is really messing with him. Even Coran lost a bit of his spark!

Now you might be wondering, "Lance, you handsome sharpshooter, how are you dealing with this?" And the answer to that is...

...I'm not. I'm pretending that this never happened. As far as I'm aware, Keith is still here. He's just locked in his room, being emo as always.

A part of me is still worried though, the part of me that's shouting I shouldn't push the thought away. I'm worried about how they could be treating him, how they could be torturing him, how they might've killed him.

The rest of the team isn't focusing on the possibility that he could be dead and all our work might just be in vain. They're acting as if the Galra never killed anyone before. But they have. They've killed millions of people. They've wiped out entire races and planets. They've executed prisoners before.

It doesn't occur to me that I'm crying until the tears drop onto my hand. I take a tissue and dab at my eyes and nose until I look
semi-acceptable. I shuffle out of my room in a tired and nearly delirious state. Who cares? We're all falling apart. This wouldn't be any different.

I take my seat at the long table. All eyes are drawn to me for a solid half second until everyone looks back at their plates or whatever they have with them. Another thing, the table isn't just a place for eating anymore. The table is now a place to eat and finish working on small projects.

"Delicious food Hunk," Allura says blandly.

"Thanks," Hunk replies while giving me my plate and putting out the extra one for Keith. I catch him wiping a tear away before he shuffles to his seat. We're all a mess.

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