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Keith's POV

Pidge keeps tugging at my hair. I'm almost scared to ask what they're doing.

"You have got to try Hunk's pastries, they're fantastic," they continue on about the food. Eventually I get used to the tugging.

Hunk and Lance take a detour into another room. They say Pidge can direct me places.

"Keith I have a few questions for you." They go back to playing with my ears. I keep feeling them flick away. The ear movement gets uncomfortable after a while.

"Ask away."

"How do these work? Can you move them?"

"I don't know. Can you leave them alone to see if I can control them?" They move their hands away from my ears.

I focus on them, willing one to push back. It's difficult, but it works. I relax and it flicks back upwards.

"And they move on their own to show emotions?"

"I guess that's how it works."

"How do you feel about Lance?" The tone in their voice is suggestive.

"Can I trust you with shit?"

"Oh you forgot stuff, right. Yeah, totally."

I let my ears droop a bit. "I don't know. He seems like a...great person and I really like him. He listens and he's considerate but he's arrogant. And can be severely annoying. He's...cute," by the end of the sentence, I have a small smile on my lips.

"So you're gay." That wasn't even a question.


"Knew it, Hunk owes me ten gak."

"Wait, I didn't tell you before?" I'm confused. This would be something I'd tell people right?

"Nope. But you told me now so everyone will know soon."

"Can you show me to the training deck?" I ask out of nowhere.

"You remember the training deck!"

"Y-yeah. Yeah I do!"

"Take a left up here."

Lance's POV

"Huuuuuuuunk pleeeeeeease?" I whine. I'm currently residing on one of the counters in the kitchen.

"I'm not letting you taste test, I don't even know if this is edible yet."

I slump forward. "Nnnnnnmmmm..." I let out an annoyed hum.

"Sing your songs elsewhere," Hunk brushes me away.

"Maybe I will. Hmph." I hop off the counter and leave the room.

Twenty Minutes Later Maybe?

How did I end up back here? How did I end up sitting outside the training deck and watching Keith fight. He's better than before he was captured.

I watch the way his body moves. The way he moves with brutal grace and how his blows can knock the dummies right down. He turns around. Shit. I've been caught. Might as well admit to my actions.

I walk in as he shouts for the sequence to end. "So...your training seems to be going well," I say, completely unprepared.

"Yeah, it's actually helping! I remember some of the training with the team and some other stuff!" He looks so happy. I'd pay for that smile to never leave his face.

"That's great!" I'm getting excited too. "You'll be back to normal before you know it!"

"I regret talking to Pidge earlier." Keith's eyes go wide.

"Why? What did you tell them?"

"I trusted them with something...I realize now that I shouldn't have."

"Bad choice man. But hey, you've still got me." I throw an arm over his shoulders, trying to ignore the heat rushing to my face.


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