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Three Years Later

A little boy with raven hair and tan skin struggles in my arms, desperate to be let down so he can run. That little boy's name is Adrien, and he's mine and Lance's son. He was made using Altean technology and samples of both of our DNA. He has fluffy purple ears sat on top of his head, but that's the only part that looks Galra besides his tiny fangs. His eyes are blue like Lance's and has a tiny bit lighter of a skin tone. His hair is the same color as mine and his eye shape looks like mine too.

Adrien grew faster than human children. We chalked it up to the Altean technology we used. His growth eventually slowed down to a normal growth rate after three months. In that time, he's grown and developed to the size of a human two year old, so we address him as such.

I carry Adrien off the castle ship and onto earth. Lance is way ahead of me, already running toward his house. Adrien struggles in my arms to run with him, a whine escaping him. He can say a few words, but he's quieter than most children.

"Keith! Come on! I want you to meet my family!" Lance yells. I pick up my pace a bit.

"I'm coming! Don't worry!" I yell back.

"M-momma?" I sigh. Lance got into the habit of calling me the mother since I'm the submissive one. Adrien picked up on it and won't let go of it.

"Yes Adri?"

"Where goin?"

"We're going home," I say, catching up to Lance who stopped to wait for us.

"How's my little man doing?" Lance asks the toddler in my arms.

Adrien smiles before giving a thumbs up.

"Are you ready to meet grandma and grandpa? And your aunts and uncles? And your cousins?"

Adrien's eyes are wide. He's confused and overwhelmed. "Lance, you're scaring him."

"I'm just really excited," Lance smiles, but I see the worry behind his eyes.

As we walk to Lance's house, I get some weird looks, but that's to be expected. Aliens were just introduced to them, and are slowly being integrated into society.

We approach the house Lance grew up in.

"Is 'at home?" Adrien asks.

Lance laughs. "It is buddy, it really is," he runs a hand through his slightly longer hair, we could just barely keep up with haircuts from Coran. I just keep mine in a ponytail now, it saves me some trouble.

Lance knocks on the door and smiles when an older woman answers the door. "Lance...míjo," she takes him in, still in shock. "Lance is home!" She yells into the house. Footsteps race to the door before they all tackle Lance to the ground. Laughter coming from Lance is like music to my ears. Eventually they let him go and he hastily wipes tears from his eyes. His family hasn't noticed me and Adrien yet.

"Come on guys, I have to be strong," Lance mumbles through his tears of joy.

Some of Lance's family glance at me and Adrien, and soon the whole family is staring, causing my ears along with Adrien's to droop from the sudden attention.

"Lance, who's this?" One of the men asks.

Lance looks back at us and smiles, gesturing to walk forward. I follow his instructions. He grabs my free hand after I shift Adrien onto my hip.

"This is my boyfriend Keith and our son Adrien," Lance introduces us.

"Wow Lance, I didn't know you'd be into aliens," a boy slightly older than Lance jokes.

The woman who answered the door and her husband—I'm assuming Lance's parents—step forward and look at me. "Nice face," the man comments.

"His body is even better," the woman adds. I begin to grow self-conscious.

"Does he pass the looks inspection?" Lance's dad asks.

"I'd say so," Lance's mom says.

"Guys? Do you have to do this every time someone brings someone home?" Lance asks.

His parents ignore him though. "Tell us about yourself Keith," the woman says.

"Uh...I'm a paladin of Voltron, Lance's teammate and boyfriend, and part Galra. I do sword fighting...um..."

"Guys you're scaring him," Lance complains.

"Shh, let him finish," his dad says.

"I rely on instincts and I'm not really good with most people but Lance broke through my walls and helped me after I was captured by the bad Galra. Trust me when I say it's hard for me to trust people and when I love people I really do love them," I say, trying my best not to make a bad first impression.

"Gara!" Adrien says. Lance's mom looks at him and laughs at his baby talk.

I bounce him up on my hip so he doesn't fall. "Yup, Galra," I mumble.

"I like them, let's keep them," Lance's mom says to her husband. He agrees.

"I'm Carla and this is Lance's father Joseph."

I let out a mental sigh of relief. "Nice to meet you."

"Lance will introduce you to the rest of the family. Now...let me see my grandson," Carla says.

I hand Adrien to her while saying, "This is Grandma, say hi."

"Gram...ma...hi," Adrien mumbles.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"A-Ariem...Adien..." he starts growing frustrated.

"Adrien? Is your name Adrien?"

"Adrien...Adrien!" I smile at the two interacting. He likes her.

Lance grabs my hand and whispers in my ear, "Welcome to the family."

The End


I'm thinking of doing a sequel about how things are on earth for them? I dunno. Let me know if you'd like that in the comments.

Thank you for reading and all the support you've given me throughout the book. (80K reads, what the fuck?) If the ending seems a bit rushed, I apologize. I know I strayed away from canon but honestly, I think that's the only way I could make this plot work. Again, thank you for your support.

If you like my writing, I encourage you to check out my two ongoing Klance books. If you're into Tree Bros, I have an ongoing book for that too. I also have a completed Boyf Riends book if you're interested in that.

Okay, that's enough self promo. Thank you again.

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