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Keith's POV

I shouldn't have left my room this late at night. Now I'm lost and no one is awake to help me. It's so dark. I don't recognize the hallways I'm in. Shit. Maybe I should turn around and go back to my room

I turn on my heel and try to retrace my steps. After a few minutes, I get a small migraine. The intensity only grows and soon I'm leaning against a wall with my eyes squeezed shut.

I need to get to my room. I try to open my eyes, even a little, but it hurts even more. Alright. So we're doing this blind. I keep my hand against the wall and pull my body away. Despite my body's protests, I walk forward.

Left, right, left, right, shit there's a wall there, left, right, left, right, left...

Okay. This should be the hallway with the rooms. I open my eye, just a little. Okay, now just go forward. Left, right, left right...

I walk into my room and fall to the floor as soon as the door closes. I push myself up so my back is leaning against the door.

I try to open my eyes again since the migraine died down a bit. It looks like the lights are on. I look at the switch and it says that their off. I push myself up and walk to the bathroom. Oh no. No no no no no no.

My eyes are yellow. My fucking eyes are yellow. I still have my pupils and irises, but the rest is yellow.

I look down with wide eyes. Wide, yellow eyes to be exact. Wait, why is there a container full of green stuff on the sink?

A memory comes back. Lance walks into the central command room. He's wearing a robe and has a green face mask on.

I'm in Lance's room. Great. My eyes are yellow and now I'm in Lance's room. He's probably going to think I'm the enemy and try to kill me. Just great.

I walk out of the bathroom and freeze. Lance is sitting up. Shit. I close my eyes and press myself against the wall, hoping I blend in.

"Keith?" Shit.


"What are you-", he stops to yawn. "What are you doing here?"

"I got lost," my ears droop in embarrassment. "I thought this was my room."

Lance gets up and walks over to me. "Are you okay? Why are your eyes closed? Are you scared?" His body is so close to mine I can practically feel his body heat. Speaking of heat, it starts to rise to my face.

"I'm not scared," I say, ignoring his other questions.

"Then why are your eyes closed?" I don't answer. "Keith?" No answer still. "Can you open them for me?"

"You'll- No."


"I said no Lance," I answer, anger mixed with fear and worry starts creeping into my words.

"Then I guess you're staying in here."


"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me why your eyes are closed or until you open them."

I think this over. "If I open my eyes, don't freak out," I say, letting my hesitance sneak into my voice."

"I would never," Lance promises.

I wait a few moments before forcing myself to open them. Lance is closer than I thought, practically leaning against me. He looks taken back. "Your eyes are glowing," he finally says.

"They glow?"

"Yeah. Couldn't you see?"

"No, they kinda...make everything brighter."


Silence. Lance grabs my hand and leads me to his bed before telling me to sit. I do as I'm told and he sits next to me.

"This is weird," I say. "Awkward."

"Yeah," is all Lance says.

"I feel weird." I brush my tongue over my teeth. Fangs grew in this morning, I guess it was only a matter of time before the eyes came along too. "Do you think the others think of me differently?"

"No. Of course not. Even in your fluffy-eared glory." He reaches out and starts petting behind my ears. I fight back a purr, not wanting to seem vulnerable. "I think of you as a cat though. Maybe Hunk does too."

"I'm not a cat!"

"Your purring says otherwise," he smirks. He got me to let my guard down. The purr snuck it's way out.

"Shut up," I say, even though I have to fight back a smile.

"You're adorable," Lance mutters. Was I supposed to hear that? Do I say something back? What do I do?


He snaps his head up. "You heard that?"

I point to my ears, "These monstrosities have their perks."

Lance puts his head in his hands. "I'm an idiot."

"No you're not."

"UGH you wound me."

I tilt my head and Lance falls backwards. "Stop doing that!" He shouts.


"Tilting your head! You look like a little kitten and your left ear just flicks down and AGH!"

"You really think I look like a kitten?"

"A kinda...weird kitten but yeah. You still have that mullet though so that kinda takes away from the cuteness. I did it again!"

"You actually think I look cute?" Why am I still here? I should've left as soon as I realized it wasn't my room. Now he's probably just trying to make me feel better.

Lance gets up and pushes me up. "Out! Your room is the next one over. Now out! I'm not dealing with my feelings tonight!"

And I'm out of the room. I walk into my actual room and lie down on the bed. Part of me wants to think about what Lance meant when he was referring to 'his feelings' but a bigger part of me just wants to sleep.

So I sleep.

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