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Keith's POV

The ringing in my ears is even louder than before. I've been trying to take my mind off it by going over Lotor's plan in my head.

I let out a hoarse scream, clasping my hands over my ears to try to keep the sound out. A tear escapes my eye right before I clamp them shut. Footsteps. Dripping. Shuffling. My clothes moving as I tremble. Silent sobs, whether they're my own or other prisoners' being unknown. Chains and shackles moving. Screaming. Knocking.

Wait. Knocking. I open my eye a sliver and glance to the door of the cell. No one.

I scream louder, still hoarse. Something presses against my hands. My heart drops. My ears. I pull my hands away and glance at them. No traces of anything. I slowly bring them back to the sides of my head. Sure enough, two fluffy, pointed ears are taking the place of my pale, round ears. Things start to quiet down, albeit slowly.

My ear flicks and twitches. I shiver at the feeling. This isn't normal. I want to go back to normal, whatever normal was before this shit happened. I want to go home. I want to go see whoever's waiting for me and let them tell me about the stories I forgot and tell them how much I longed for them while I was away. I hope this plan works. Speaking of the plan...

A Short While Later

A guard walks by. I throw myself at the door and attempt to growl at them, baring my teeth (even if they aren't that pointy). I keep thrashing and throwing my body against the door, eventually gaining the guard's attention. They shove their weird gun against the door, just barely missing me. I keep going, no matter how discouraged I might become.

"Quiet! Haggar will call for you shortly!" I keep at it, growling and panting for breath. My ears press against my head. It feels strange. My hair is trapped under them and I can feel them quiver and twitch against my head. I don't like this.

The guard doesn't seem to be budging. I start to panic. How is this going to work? Why did I think it would work? Lotor was wrong, there's no way I'm getting out today.

I let out a huff of breath before banging against the door again. I grab at the guard before they finally have enough of it. "Calm yourself! This is why we don't care for mutts!" They step away. I back away from the door and sit. My breath comes out in heavy gasps.

The guard comes back with two others. I back up and press myself against the back wall. Two grab me by the arms and the third puts handcuffs around my wrists.

Lotor please be ready. Lotor please be ready. Lotor please be ready. Lotor please be ready. Oh thank quiznack.

Lotor turns the corner. His eyes widen when he sees my being escorted by three guards. "What have we here? What did he do this time?"

"He's gone rabid, Sir," the guard to my left states.

"That won't do now will it? We can't have a beast within the ranks. I'm sure Haggar wouldn't want you to leave her a monster to work with," Lotor says with a tone of calm. The venom that filled his voice when talking about Haggar however, that was the exact opposite. "I'll take him to Haggar, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'll see what we should do with him," he reaches forward and grabs my shoulders before turning me so my back is toward him.

"Sir, Haggar gave us strict instru-"

"We wouldn't want a complaint to Zarkon, would we?"

"O-of course not. I'm sure you can handle him just fine."

"Thank you." He begins leading me down the hallway. "What did you do to merit three of them?" Lotor whispers.

"I dunno," I mumble, ears pressing against my head. "I followed the plan."

"Well your definition of following the plan is extremely reckless. More guards means more chances of getting caught."

I nod and keep my head down as we travel down the hallway.

Lance's POV

"We could try to get on the ship the way we did last time," I suggest. We're trying to make a plan to get to Keith.

"And blow another hole in the side of the ship? I don't think so," Shiro shuts me down.

"I was just trying to help," I slouch further down into my seat.

"How about we sneak on? We could always make Allura dress up again?" I suggest once again.

And once again, I'm shut down. "Lance, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? No," Pidge glares. "How about you just leave and let us deal with this? Your ideas aren't working," they spit angrily.

"Pidge, don't say those kinds of things, he's just trying to help," Hunk pipes in.

"Fine, I'm sorry Lance, but can you please try to think your ideas out before you say them?"

"Sure," I mumble.

"How about two of us load on in an escape pod while the other three fight in their lions? We could deck them out like a cargo ship," Hunk says.

"That would take too long...how about-"

Coran's voice rings out over the speakers. "A ship is requesting to speak, everyone come to the control room."

We all collectively gain the same look of confusion before running out of the room.

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