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Keith's POV

I thrash against the Galra that's holding me while the other Galra pilots. "What do you want from me? Why did you take me instead of anyone else in the castle?" I shout, still struggling against the Galra. I'm met with silence. "Answer me! You could've had anyone else! Why did you want me?"

"Silence yourself," on of them says, authority in their voice.

"No!" I continue to fight against him. The ship lands in one of the docking bays on one of the bigger ships of the fleet. They lead me through the ship and down a hallway lined with cells. My eyes widen when I remember what they did to me here. I start thrashing again.

"Is there something that can silence him?" one of the Galra asks. Nothing but the sound of shuffling and footsteps can be heard. I feel something pierce the skin on my arm and instantly try to pull away. Unfortunately, my movement caused the needle to slide through the skin. I yelp before the Galra holding me slaps me across the face. "You're lucky the emperor said he wants you alive."

I get thrown and locked in a cell. My head starts spinning as my eyelids try to close themselves. I stand up and pace the cell to stay awake. My movements begin to slow. I slap my own face.

Stay awake. Don't show weakness.

I keep pacing, desperate to stay awake. Someone comes to the cell door. I glance at them through half-lidded eyes. Haggar.

"Welcome back half-breed," she sneers.

"Wha' do you wan'?" I force out.

"I see they gave you the injection. It's a shame. I was hoping I could explain what is going to happen while you're here. Oh well, we'll save that for tomorrow. Good night." She walks away.

My legs give out from under me and I collapse. I spend a few minutes on the floor, staring down as my eyes droop. I give in, falling asleep.

Lance's POV

"It's my fault Hunk! I could've went with him! I knew he wasn't doing great and I just let him go alone! I could've been backup!" I scream, tears threatening to fall. I had a nightmare. It was about Keith. "He could be being tortured and it's all my fault!"

Hunk rubs my back, trying his best to be the reassuring best friend like he was on Earth. "It's not your fault Lance. You offered to go with him and he pushed you away, it's just Keith's impulse to not rely on anyone but himself. You tried, Lance, and that counts for something. I'm sure he's regretting pushing you away now," he whispers, barely helping at all. That's not how comforting works Hunk!

"Yeah but I could've insisted! I could've forced him to let me come with him!"

"Yes, you could have. But none of us knew he was going to be taken. How could you prepare for something you didn't know was happening? Don't blame yourself. It's not good for your mental health. We'll find Keith, don't worry."

"Yeah...I guess," I look down at my lap. "I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep. I don't wanna have another nightmare."

"Do you wanna stay in here? You could wake me if you have another one," Hunk offers.

"Sure. Thanks Hunk," I curl up at the foot of his bed. I close my eyes and fight with sleep until I fall into a peaceful abyss of darkness.


Shorter chapter, I know, but in my defense, stuff is happening next chapter and I needed a transition chapter. 

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