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Prepare for lots of dialogue

Keith's POV

We walk into the common room and a comforting sense of familiarity washes over me. A small smile crawls across my face.

"What has you so happy Keith?" the big guy asks.

I shrug and sit down. Shiro stands in front of everyone and starts talking. "As you all heard, Keith has some questions because of something that happened while he was with the Galra." He directs his attention to me, flinching a tiny bit. "Do you want to sit while you talk?" I nod and he nods in return before sitting down. All eyes are on me.

"Well, while I was with the Galra, they did some experiments like last time but these were...different, maybe worse but I don't know. Actually, I don't really remember last time," I trail off at the last part. I glance up to see the team looking at me with more interested expressions than before. "I can't seem to remember much of anything, really. It's not there and I know stuff is supposed to be there. I know a little bit about Shiro and Lance but that's about it. I know Zarkon is evil but that's all I know about him. The Galra tried to get rid of the evil part though. They tried to brainwash me."

I look up again to see shocked expressions on everyone's faces.

"It didn't work though, don't worry, but I guess that would be what someone who's brainwashed might say. I'm sorry I got off track. Basically, I don't know who you are and I want to remember what I forgot."

Lance is the first to speak up. "How are we supposed to help you remember everything?"

The short one butts in, "It's easy, idiot. Just share memories with him or say things that hold meaning or do things we used to do with him. It's a common way of curing amnesia, though it doesn't always work."

"But this isn't amnesia, this is a memory wipe," the big man says.

"It could still work."

"Can someone show me to my room?" I ask, though my voice is drowned out by the endless bickering. "Can someone please show me to my room?"

Lance looks at me and jumps up. "I'll do it! Since I'm obviously not wanted here," he rolls his eyes. "Come on!" He walks out and I follow close behind.

Eventually we're walking next to each other. "Can I ask you some questions?"

Lance looks over at me, surprised. "Absolutely."

"Why are we out here?"

Lance's face falls. He looks disappointed. "You don't remember Voltron?"

"Vol...tron?" I mumble to myself.

"I say Vol- you say -tron. Vol-?"


"At least you're still clueless buddy."

I furrow my brows. "I'm not clueless! I just...I just can't remember, that's all." I trail off at the end.

The lanky teen starts rubbing behind my ear. I lean into his touch and a small rumble comes from my chest. I realize what I'm doing and bat Lance's hand away. I keep my glare at the floor. Lance starts to laugh. My ears flick toward the sound.

"Hunk was right! You do have kitten ears!"

My face turns red, or as red as it can get with my face being purple. "Shut up."

"Awww is little kitty embarrassed?" Lance mocks in a baby voice.

"I said shut up Lance!"

We walk the rest of the way in a silence that is uncomfortable.

Lance's POV

"This is your room," I gesture to the door. Keith nods before turning to me.

"I have more questions and, as much as I hate this, I want you to answer them." He turns to the door and looks around I before realizing how to open it. "Come on." He walks in.

"Oh! Okay," I follow behind him, right before the door closes.

He sits on the bed and I sit next to him.

"Can I have the names of everyone? And a little information?"

"Well of course there's Hunk. He's the big, round guy that said you had kitten ears, which he's totally right about by the way." Keith's angry face makes everything ten times better. "He's our master chef and he's very kind and loving to the right people, especially his family and friends. He pilots the yellow lion of Voltron, remind me to explain that by the way.

"Then there's Pidge, she's the short, nerdy one. She is a girl by the way, no one figured it out until she told us except for me. I knew it from the beginning."


"Right, she's very family oriented and her dad and brother were captured by the Galra. She spends all her free time trying to find them." Keith's ears droop. "She's also our resident tech-geek. Hunk helps her sometimes. She reprogrammed a Galra machine thingy so she could control it. She named it Rover. It's gone now though...She pilots the green lion.

"And Shiro, what do you know about Shiro already?"

Keith looks down and squints his eyes. "I feel like we were close. Maybe he's important to me? Maybe important to the rest of the team?"

"Ding, ding, ding! Shiro was your friend on Earth! He was captured by the Galra and has some PTSD because of it but he's working on it." Keith's ears droop again. "He's our leader. We call him space dad because he acts like a dad sometimes. He's really cool. He pilots the black lion, the head.

"And now for Allura! She's the woman with the weird pointy ears. She totally has a thing for me, she just won't admit it."

Keith squints his eyes. "Princess?"

"Yeah! She's the princess of Altea! But the Galra destroyed her planet 10,000 years ago and there's only two left, including herself." Keith's ears droop once more. I think I'm sensing a pattern here. "She's the only one who can move the ship. She's the one who explained Voltron to us. She's amazing. A little strict sometimes but still amazing.

"And now Coran! He's the weird red-head. He's also Altean like Allura! He's the royal advisor and basically takes care of everyone and everything in the castle."

"What about you?" Keith questions. He head tilts and his right ear quirks up. That's adorable.

"What do you know about me already?"

"You're...sort of obnoxious, kinda nice I guess? Uh, arrogant...flirtatious. Blue."

I pout for half a second. "Well you're pretty accurate there. But, I'm also Sharpshooter Lance! I pilot the blue lion and I love to meet new species of aliens and stuff."

He nods. "What's Voltron?"

That's how we spend about three hours in Keith's room. He asks questions and I explain things to him. Sometimes he adds more information that I haven't mentioned and it makes me feel proud that I'm helping him remember.

"One last question," Keith mumbles.

"Hit me," I answer. At this point we're laid back on his bed with our legs dangling off.

I expected him to ask me a question but instead he punches me in the arm. "Ow! Why'd you do that?"

"You said to hit you!"

"God did they erase even more Earth-terms from your brain? That means ask away!"

"Oh. Then, what do I do?"

"You pilot the red lion. You were one of the best pilots on Earth. Do you remember anything from Earth?"

He squints again. "I was...alone most of my life? My mom was missing. I think that's it."

"Oh. I was hoping for more happy stuff like stuff with Shiro or at the Garrison or something."

"Well I'm sorry that my brain is messed up."

"We should probably go back to the others now. They might've found a way to help you."

"Yeah, maybe."

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